MailChimp Review

MailChimp Review


Mail Chimp Review

MailChimp Review

What is the key to the success of businesses these days? Is it producing high-quality products? Or, is it selling your prices with competitive prices? Perhaps, you think these two factors (high-quality products and low prices) are the most important in your business, right? However, I'm here to convince you to think about another vital element in your business. And, that is an advertisement. Yes! It doesn’t matter whether you are offering the best pair of shoes, high-tech TVs, or cheap services.

In fact, your business will not be successful when nobody knows you. Today, getting visibility and reach is one of the most important aspects of your business. So, advertisement plays a key role here. The way businesses advertise has been dramatically changed and under the huge influence of the Internet.

Back then, businesses had to wait for months and paid too much money to have appeared on a TV or Radio commercial. TV, radio, newspapers, and magazines were the most pervasive sources for introducing your businesses. Now, we are observing a different story. Managers who seek to advertise in a much friendlier environment.

Also, they are really looking for getting their potential customers involved in their business. They use websites, social platforms, and many other ways to get seen. Today, in this article, we are going to talk about Mail Chimp. What is it? It is one of those ways I told you that can transform your business. It exploits every aspect of the internet to give you fame and reputation. In fact, it is one of the biggest marketing platforms in the world which helps you sell more and expand your business. Let's get started.


There are good and bad news for businesses


There Are Good And Bad News For Businesses

Yes! There is both good and bad news for businesses that are interested in using the internet. Let's start with good news. Did you know that there are more than 30 million businesses on Instagram? Did you know that millions of other users are using other social platforms? Why is that? The answer is very easy! You can get famous very quickly. These platforms are usually free. Also, their content is great visual and that's why they are so appealing to internet users. You just need to open a page and start producing content and let users get to know your business.

Moreover, you will be able to have direct communication with your users and have the chance to get to know their interests and taste. All of these platforms come with powerful analytical features letting you anticipate the market and act more wisely. Social platforms and websites make you able to advertise and present your products and users in many different ways. Producing related content, asking influencers to promote your business, using social platform features such as stories, highlights, live streaming, posting different types of tutorial videos, etc. are some of the sources you can use to increase your chance of selling more to users.

What about the bad news? Well, it is obvious, isn't it? All those social platforms giving you unlimited space to express yourself and break the geographical boundaries and other traditional constraints associated with old-fashioned ways of doing business. There is no question about that.

However, these tools are extremely competitive and oversaturated. Why? Because they are free! So, being free could be against you too. For example, imagine that you are producing scarves and selling them on your Instagram page. People send you a direct message, order the product, and receive it a few days later. Also, you can improve the quality of your products by throwing different types of polls and surveys to understand what products or services work for you the best.

However, you don’t have an easy job due to thousands of other businesses producing scarfs, advertising on Instagram, and selling on it, just like you. So, you have to try to eliminate such hard competition. You might try harder to get more followers and dominate the market. Or, you might decide to sell your products cheaper. However, none of these solutions are going to work forever. You have to search for more efficient and stable methods. Here is when marketing and commerce tools appear. What are they? In the next section, you will find the answer.


What is digital marketing in the 21st century?


What Is Digital Marketing In The 21st Century?

Digital marketing is the best tool businesses have access to in order to expand their products and sell more. In fact, it happens when you try to promote your products/services through different types of platforms including search engines, websites, social media, email, and mobile apps. Why is this the case? It is because consumers have got used to researching their wanted products online and buy them immediately at home. For example, one of the most obvious ways to increase the chance of selling products for businesses is when Google search engine shows them among the top search hits.

However, this is just the tip of the iceberg. There is a lot to digital marketing. Many practical strategies need to be learned to influence engagement marketing. Engagement marketing is essentially applying methods to make sure internet users interact with businesses and make a purchase at the end. It is not going to make a difference when you just increase the number of your followers and subscribers without thinking about keeping them interested in your business. Without trying to achieve brand awareness, they will leave you very quickly.


How Is Digital Marketing Helping Us Solve Our Problems?

Digital marketing must be able to solve our business's most enduring challenges and obstacles. Here are some problems and solutions provided by digital marketing.


I Don’t Know My Audience Well Enough To Get Started

It has been very hard to understand what a consumer wants when he/she used to step into a real store. You might have had just several minutes to offer something nice. Otherwise, he/she would leave the store very quickly. However, digital marketing doesn’t let you lose any of your visitors. For example, you are running an online shop and receive too much traffic but visitors rarely buy something.

Digital marketing uses every opportunity to know your visitors more clearly and help you come up with more relevant products. For example, you might realize that most of your visitors are visiting your website for buying one specific product more than others. By focusing on this specific product, you will be able to increase your chance of selling. By understating how online consumers behave on websites, you will get better ideas of how to surprise them and the market.


Increase Customer Loyalty with Frequent Communications


Increase Customer Loyalty With Frequent Communications

Another good point about digital marketing is that you can communicate with your customers very quickly. For example, every time you have a new product, you can simply send an email to your customers letting them know there is a new product in the online store. Since they have bought things from you previously, they are more likely to buy for the second time. So, in this way, your effort for sending thousands of emails wouldn’t be wasted. Also, with digital marketing, you can keep engaged always all the time. The good thing about social media is that you can apply different approaches one time with an interesting story, next with an exciting life, etc.


Target The Right Audience

One of the biggest challenges associated with those old-fashioned ways of advertising was that they were just being sent to a bulk of people without knowing whether they are even interested in a specific product. It was like advertising sunglasses for blind people! Your money would definitely be wasted in this way.

With digital marketing, you can avoid this. How? You have pretty smart tools in your hand to do so. For example, digital marketing has some tools telling you whether somebody has clicked on any of a specific product's display ad through social media or a search engine. Digital marketing gives you the ability to track this specific internet user and expose that internet user to relevant users again in the future. The more targeted you are; the more money you are going to make.


Generate A Consistent Lead Pipeline

Digital marketing helps you generate a better lead. This starts from the moment a visitor decides to check a product until he/she pays for it. In a way, awareness, interest, evaluations, and commitment must end with the sale. this means that your digital marketing tools have to Optimize and Obtain Better Conversion Rates. Conversion rates are basically numbers showing how many normal visitors of your website have ended up buying something from your business.


Accurately Measure All Results

One of the most basic questions to make is that whether you are benefiting from your sales or not. Does the money you earn is going to compensate all that money for advertisement? For this, you will probably need to set different types of indicators up. Every one of them looks at the result from a different angle and comes up with some nice suggestions. For example, cost-per-click, return on investment, customer acquisition cost, and finally, customer lifetime values are some of these indicators.


Mail Chimp platform


Mail Chimp Platform

We have come such a long way! We understood that digital marketing is the key to our success. Today, many different platforms are letting you do digital marketing. Mail Chimp is one of the biggest ones. From now on, we are going to get deep into this platform and review some of its interests.


What Is Mail Chimp?

Here is a shortlist of the main characteristics of Mail Chimp.

  • It is very famous for the email marketing space.
  • Recently, some new features are adding into Mail Chimp such as turnkey e-commerce, better automation, and embedded customer relationship management (CRM).
  • More recently, Mail Chimp has entered the business of website hosting and design. Why? because every business needs one website and other relevant factors.
  • You can find all features related to digital and email marketing on the Mail Chimp platforms.


What Are Mail Chimp Products?

Let's talk about Mail Chimp products. There are several tools developed by Mail Chimp. At first, Mail Chimp helps your business get online. For that, you have to have a professional website. So, creating practical business websites is one of the first things Mail Chimp does for you. Recently, they have added two more features in this direction.


Getting Your Business Online

First, you can create your online store with it. It is designed for businesses that depend on selling their products on the internet. everything about your website is important in adsorbing more customers to come and buy your products.

The next feature provided by Mail Chimp is appointment scheduling. This feature is great for all doctors, consolers, SEOs, experts, and pretty much everyone whose job is consisting of setting appointments with clients. Back then, it was the secretary's job to handle and manage appointments. However, now, thanks to Mail Chimp you can create a system for giving appointments to people regularly.


Marketing your business

Marketing Your Business

After setting up your website and getting visitors, you have to market yourself. It means that people must be able to find your products easily on the internet. For example, if they search for a product which your company produces it too, they have to be able to find your brand and your products on famous search engines such as Google, Yahoo, etc. Mail Chimp will take care of your marketing by doing several things. They include email, landing pages, digital ads, and social media. Let's review them one by one.



Mail Chimp will make you able to create professional emails. It is very important for your customers to feel they are dealing with a very famous brand. With Mail Chimp emails, you will achieve that. However, as has been mentioned by Mail Chimp itself, you will receive more for your money. In fact, creating professional emails is not just about creating a text and sending it to thousands of people. Let's see what Mail Chimp offers concerning emails.

  • You will access an Email Editor which works in a very user-friendly drag-and-drop style.
  • You will get thousands of pre-designed templates and be able to customize them as you wish.
  • In the Content studio, you will find thousands of images and files related to your campaigns.
  • Automation is also very practical for your business. Thanks to Mail Chimp, you can have automated emails designed by professional people.
  • Another feature here is Real-time analytics. You can get instant information about your campaigns which helps you understand how to move forward.
  • Another good point about Mail Chimp is transactional email. What does it mean? When somebody registers into your website or finishes the payment process, he/she might expect to receive something back to make sure he/she has finished the process correctly. With Mail Chimp, you will get personalized transactional emails like order confirmations using API or SMTP, when your customers need them.
  • Creating meaningful interactions, learning more about your audience, building trust with a professional email address, and connecting your store are some other benefits of Mail Chimp.


Landing pages

Landing Pages

Landing pages are extremely important in your business. What are landing pages? Let me put it this way, what do people do when they are exposed to email marketing or online advertisement? If they enjoy it, they might click on it. the page which is opened then is the landing page. Landing pages are usually associated with social platforms, search engine marketing campaigns, etc. Here what Mail Chimp provides you with.

  • Designing a nice and attractive landing page takes just a few minutes.
  • One of the good things you can do about your business is having the same domain for your website and landing page. With Mail Chimp, you will have your domain.
  • You can get amazing templates from Mail Chimp too. This is easily doable thanks to several features.
  • First, you can test your new products and ideas before selling them for real. In this way, people cannot wait to see your new product. Also, you will get the chance to know your future customers.
  • You can have a list of your top sellers and share them with your customers. These are highlighted products.
  • Offering a free download is another way to get your audience keep interested in your business.
  • Finally, you can hold a contest to see what customers are showing too much attention to it.


Digital ads

Digital Ads

This is another feature provided by Mail Chimp.

  • There are two options available on Mail Chimp including Facebook and Instagram ads.
  • with these advertisements being run on Facebook and Instagram, it is possible for you to use your contacts for finding new people interested in your business.
  • The key to the success of retargeting ads is doing it at the right time. In this way, the attention of people who visited your site will be recaptured.
  • Mail Chimp will help the brand get popular very fast.
  • You will be able to find your target audience on Facebook, Instagram, and other social platforms.
  • So, the basic idea behind digital ads on Mail Chimp is to find new people, reach your contacts, and finally bringing back site visitors.
  • Google remarketing ads, Facebook retargeting ads, and Instagram retargeting ads are also other options provided by Mail Chimp.



  • This is another service provided by Mail Chimp.
  • You can start your relationship with your customers by sending printed postcards. Some people say this is an old-fashioned way. However, sometimes, old-fashioned things enhance the sense of nostalgia and make us want more of something.
  • At first, Mail Chimp helps you announce your grand opening or an upcoming sale. Also, with Mail Chimp, you will be able to reward loyal customers.
  • Recovering an abandoned cart and saying hello or thank you make your brand more friendly to the audience.


Mail Chimp Platforms Features

In addition to what we have said so far, there are four other features provided by Mail Chimp that are very important to your business. They include audience management, creative tools, marketing automation, insights & analytics. Each of them is divided into smaller categories.


Audience Management

  • In Audience Management, there are fix categories including marketing CRM, signup forms, segmentation, behavior targeting, predicted demographics, and tags & contact profiles. In marketing CRM and signup forms, you will be able to get to know your audience with pop-up or embedded form. Or, in segmentation, you can divide your audience based on their characterizations.
  • What about behavioural targeting? You can target your customers better based on previous purchases. Then, it will be easier for you to send the message more efficiently.
  • Finally, getting predictive insights about your contact which makes personalization possible, and keeping track of what you know about your people are obtained by the last two categorizations.


Creative Tools

  • There are several categorizations here as well. They include content studio, creative assist, dynamic content, subject line helper, and campaign templates.
  • In the content studio, you can sync, store, and edit all your pictures in one place.
  • Or, in Creative assistant which is a new feature, you will access professionally designed multimedia content for your website or brand.

There is a lot to discover on Mail Chimp. All in all, it is a nice platform for all brands and businesses who are looking for getting brand awareness and increase their reach. Check the website for more information.



Different forms of marketing are very important for businesses these days. They are even more important than the quality of your products or services. You should be able to professionally present your products or services to the corresponding audience. Here, we talked about one of the most famous names in the market which lets your business get visibility and benefit from the internet by circulating your content all over it. We introduced some of the best features of  MailChimp and how they make an impact on your business.

I trust you enjoyed this article about the Mailchimp Review. Please stay tuned for more articles to come. Take care!


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