How To Save Money On Webhosting

How To Save Money On Webhosting

How To Save Money On Webhosting

How To Save Money On Webhosting

Tips For Getting The Best Deal On Web Hosting

You may have just established a business or a blog and are low on funds. You may also be the owner of an established firm that wishes to keep operating expenses low.

You may save money on web hosting in a variety of methods, including:

1. Make Use Of Promotional Codes

Coupon codes are a string of numbers and letters that you may enter into the promotion box when making an online purchase. This will result in a reduction in your total purchase price. Some web hosting businesses offer coupon codes and promotions to their customers, allowing them to save money on their web hosting costs.

You may save money on website hosting by taking advantage of such deals. Keep an eye out for discount coupons and promotion links like these. Bluehost has a promo code available, which you may use to save money on web hosting.


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2. No Cost Web Hosting

As a new blogger, you must make do with the bare minimum of resources while yet achieving maximum effect. One method to achieve this is to use free web hosting. All you have to do now is generate the content and choose the site's theme and design. Websites that provide free web hosting are fantastic places to start. You'll need to make a backup of your data. You may switch to a different web host later if you decide to transfer your site.

3. Shared Webspace

The advantage of web hosting is that you may modify your package at any time. You may get your site or blog hosted if you are just starting off. Shared hosting is a popular and reasonably priced alternative. You won't require a lot of server capacity since web traffic isn't projected to be very high. With shared hosting, your site may handle up to 20,000 daily visits and run well.

4. Invest In A Domain Name

The importance of a domain name cannot be overstated. You have the choice of purchasing a domain name or utilizing the free domain name given by the web hosting business when building a website. In certain circumstances, the web hosting firm will supply the domain name for free for a year. If the renewal fee is too expensive, purchasing a domain name is the best option since you will save money in the long run.

5. Only Pay For Necessary Services

Web hosting businesses offer a variety of options to choose from. Extra services imply further prices. Monitoring, SEO, SMS notification, Sitelock, and backup are supplementary services that some hosting providers give at an additional fee. As a result, you may forego the additional services you don't need and pay for what is most valuable to you right now. You may seek a reduction if you have already paid for such services but have realized that they are beyond your budget.


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6. Get A Hosting Plan For A Longer Period

When you pay for web hosting services yearly, “less is more” does not apply. Web hosting renewal prices are levied yearly, and most providers do not offer renewal reductions.

This suggests you may have gotten a deal on the service for the first year. You'll have to pay the full fee when it comes to renewing it. You will save more money if you purchase web hosting services for a long time since the discount will be applied to the full duration.

7. Become A Member Of A Web Hosting Affiliate Program

As an affiliate, you have the opportunity to save money. You may join the web hosting company's affiliate program and help them promote their services. You will be rewarded if you convince your friends to purchase hosting using your affiliate link. Affiliate marketing requires much work, but you can give it your all.

Take Advantage Of Special Day Deals On Hosting Services

8. Take Advantage Of Special Day Deals On Hosting Services

Website hosting firms, like other businesses, offer insane prices during promotional seasons. The Black Friday and Cyber Monday periods are the most prominent times when you may find incredible deals.

Discounts of up to 50% and more are available throughout the sale. Compared to purchasing web hosting services at any other time of the year, taking advantage of such discounts may save you a lot of money. You'll also need the patience to wait for such opportunities and take advantage of them.

9. Request A Discount

Renewal of web hosting is an expensive process. In other cases, switching web hosts to save money may not be the best option since you currently depend on the web hosting company's strong servers. If you ask for something, you will receive it.

You may quickly contact the web hosting firm if you are a valued client that the company does not want to lose. Request a discount on web hosting services. This is most likely going to be a win-win scenario. You can renew your web hosting service at a reduced price and save money. You will still be a client of the web hosting firm, and you will get paid.

How Can I Save Money On A Web Hosting Plan?

How Can I Save Money On A Web Hosting Plan?

1. Low-Cost Hosting Isn't Necessarily A Negative Thing

Utilizing low-quality hosting is not the same as using a low-cost provider. Even if you run a medium-sized website, you can still get a lot of options and excellent customer service without wasting your money. You may have a look at some decent web hosting options around $5.

For another website created on WordPress, I utilized premium managed web hosting, which costs about $90 on average, and then discovered that another business provides lower packages, but they have fewer options, which I was not using previously.

As a result, it makes no difference to me in terms of alternatives. The same is true for shared hosting packages: if you discover a firm with lower costs but less functionality that you need, go with them.

2. Do Not Rely On Third-Party Site Hosting Providers

Unless you're selling online, eCommerce features and tools may not be something you need if you maintain a blog. So forget about huge lists of businesses, SSL certificates, badges, and authentication that only works for online retailers. Some hosting providers, such as HostGator, offer a third-party plugin from Opt-in Monster for email marketing, but guess what?


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To utilize it, you must, of course, pay for a premium plan. So it's merely a marketing ploy to get people to buy the plugin. The same is true with themes; some firms promote premium themes at a high cost when a higher-quality design may be had for less money. So, skip the marketing offers and focus on the things that your site needs.

3. Be Wary Of Phony Hosting Reviews

This is a complete disaster, particularly for newcomers, who follow the incorrect suggestions and wind up with the world's worst hosting service. When I propose a hosting provider, I always include the disadvantages, issues, and limitations. As a result, the client clearly understands what he will get in terms of features and resources.

I usually prefer evaluations from reputable sources, such as bloggers who have used the service. Fake reviews are a significant concern, particularly with new websites popping up now and again. So, the next time you read a review, be careful to read between the lines.

If you come across a WordPress hosting review that touts the advantages of that hosting for improved SEO rankings, you can bet the man is talking about something he doesn't understand. As I said in my previous post on WordPress fast hosting, site speed may assist with customer conversion, but its influence on SEO will be marginal or non-existent.

4. You Don't Need Any Security Software

We assumed security solutions were a must-have for professional web hosting, but after testing SiteLock and others, we discovered that they only provide first-level protection. When you have a weak security system, sophisticated hackers will find it simpler than you believe to get access to your site and edit the contents.

What you should be looking for is not the company's usage of third-party virus and security scanning but what they construct in terms of server protection. Without spending money on worthless products, things like access hardening and appropriate site management may take your security to the next level.

Lisa Irby of 2-Create a Website discussed her WordPress virus situation, which you may find interesting. You may use a simple plugin to back up your data, and it will save it to Dropbox, Amazon, Google Drive, and other services. Instead of paying for useless services, you may install a competent security plugin and secure your site using best practices.

5. Begin With A Low-Cost Hosting Package

Many beginners make this common mistake: they always opt for unrestricted hosting, which implies no restrictions on bandwidth, storage space, or other features. However, those just starting a blog should realize that 2 GB of storage and 5 GB of bandwidth are plenty to get started.

That is true for sites with a small amount of traffic and routine use, excluding file sharing, films, and other similar activities. As a result, respectable organizations sometimes provide restricted bandwidth at low pricing, which may be your best option at first.

Free SSL Is Fantastic

6. Free SSL Is Fantastic

A free SSL from Let's Encrypt is your best choice unless you're developing a website with subdomains. It works flawlessly and was designed for that purpose. We've been using a premium SSL for three years, the fantastic Comodo SSL, but there was no change with Let's Encrypt.

Because we just utilized it for one domain, we didn't need to employ a wildcard or enhanced validation SSL. Let's Encrypt is a non-profit organization that receives payments from businesses and uses that money to produce a high-quality SSL certificate for three months, which your hosting provider will automatically renew.

As a result, you won't require any renewal installations as you would with a premium SSL. A premium SSL is advised if you want to sell products online; nevertheless, a free SSL would suffice for a tiny blog. You may save money on both hosting and SSL this way.


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7. Select A Hosting Provider With A Longer Billing Cycle

As you may have seen, most prominent blog hosting firms offer very inexpensive costs when you sign up for a three-year or longer contract. As a result, this is a fantastic approach to save money on web hosting services.

Long-term subscriptions are offered at the lowest costs by web hosting businesses like InMotion Hosting and iPage. Keep in mind that by avoiding monthly hosting services, you'll save time dealing with payment difficulties, credit card setup, PayPal troubles, and other concerns.

Furthermore, monthly web hosting plans are expensive, costing twice or three times as much as a typical hosting package. You should only use a monthly hosting plan if you don't have enough money to pay for a long-term plan or if you want to utilize a more expensive managed hosting plan. In addition, renewal costs will be higher than promotional deals. As a result, opting for the 3-year hosting package will save you money.

Here Are Seven Easy Suggestions To Help You Save Money On Web Hosting

Begin With A Shared Hosting Account

1. Begin With A Shared Hosting Account

If you're new to web hosting, the many kinds of web hosting plans may be confusing. However, you shouldn't be concerned since you can alter your mind later. As a result, starting with a simple package such as Shared Hosting is a better choice. The most popular and least-priced hosting option is shared hosting.

The concept is that you will share your hosting space with others to save money. Shared hosting is a great option when you're starting a new blog or website.

Because your new site will not get much traffic, you won't require a lot of server space. For an optimized site, shared hosting can manage up to 20k visits per day. We utilize HostGator Shared Hosting at RoadToBlogging. I recommend that you begin with a Shared Hosting Plan.

2. Go To GoDaddy And Purchase A Domain Name

If your hosting company does not supply a free domain name, try purchasing one from Godaddy. Yes, you may purchase a name and host from two distinct vendors. All you have to do now is connect afterwards.

Many web hosting providers give you a free domain name for a year when you sign up for their service. You may use that domain name if their renewal fee is not too expensive. However, I would advise you to get a domain from Godaddy for a longer length of time since this would save you money.

3. Make Use Of Coupon Codes And Promotional Links

Discount coupons might help you save a lot of money. The majority of web hosting businesses offer discounts to their affiliates. These coupons may be used to earn a discount on your whole purchase. Some servers may not allow you to use a promo code. They provide promotional connections. To get a discount, you must utilize promotional links.

4. Getting Rid Of Extra Services

Extra services such as Sitelock, Backup, and SEO are included in certain hosting packages. These services are not provided for free. If you don't believe you'll need these services, leave them off the list. If necessary, you may use these services afterwards.

5. Purchase A Longer-Term Hosting Plan

The majority of web servers do not provide a renewal discount. For example, suppose you purchase one year of hosting from Hostgator at a 25% discount. Your web host must be renewed after one year.

You will not be able to use a coupon at that time to get a discount. This implies you'll have to pay full price. On the other hand, if you acquire hosting for a longer period (say, three years), you will significantly reduce the overall cost. The longer the duration, the more money you save.

6. Join The Affiliate Program

Have you considered earning money instead of paying to host? Yes, that is conceivable. This is something I've been doing for a long time. You may achieve the same by joining and promoting web hosting affiliate schemes. Simply invite your friends or someone else to purchase hosting using your affiliate link. But it's not that simple. I wouldn't recommend it, but you may try your luck.

7. Keep An Eye Out For Special Day Deals

On special days like Black Friday and Cyber Monday, web hosting businesses offer CRAZY discounts. If you believe you can wait until those days, get web hosting. Usually, they provide a 50% to 70% discount, sometimes even more. You may get information on Web Hosting discounts by subscribing to our newsletter.


To maintain their self-hosted WordPress site, every blogger must make a monthly investment in web hosting. Depending on your needs, a cheap hosting plan for WordPress will typically cost between $3 and $15 per month. The price skyrockets when you switch to managed WordPress hosting, a VPS, or a dedicated hosting server.

A new blogger often has no idea of the fees associated with web hosting when he starts the process of setting up a self-hosted blog. A novice blogger often purchases web hosting at unnecessarily high prices (and without a discount). Even if you can get a reduced hosting plan, when the time comes to renew, the hosting price is too high.

I trust you enjoyed this article on How To Save Money On Webhosting. Would you please stay tuned for more articles to come? Take care!




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