How To Not Be Shy

How To Not Be Shy

How To Not Be Shy

How To Not Be Shy

Shyness may be crippling, partly because shy individuals prefer to avoid public settings and speaking out, and partly because they suffer from persistent worry. If that describes you, be assured that you are not alone: four out of ten individuals identify as shy.


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The good news is that shyness can be overcome. It is possible to break through with time, effort, and a willingness to change. You may need the support of a therapist or counsellor if your shyness is extreme, but most individuals can overcome it on their own. Take the initial steps toward overcoming shyness with these 13 tips for becoming a more confident person.

1. Don't Tell Anybody

There's no need to flaunt your timidity. Those closest to you are already aware, while others may never have the chance to observe. It's not as obvious as you may imagine.

2. Maintain A Light Tone

Keep your tone light if others bring up your timidity. If it comes up in conversation, bring it up in a playful manner.

3. Alter The Tone Of Your Voice

Don't mistake blushing for shyness if you blush while you're nervous. Allow it to stand alone: “I've always been prone to blushing.”

4. Stay Away From The Label

Don't categorize yourself as shy or anything else. Allow yourself to be characterized as a distinct person rather than a collection of traits.

5. Quit Undermining Yourself

We might be our own worst enemy at times. Allowing your inner critic to knock you down is not a good idea. Instead, assess the strength of that voice so you can neutralize it.

6. Recognize Your Assets

Make a list of all your strengths—enlist the aid of a friend or family member if necessary—and read or repeat it whenever you're feeling uneasy. Allow it to serve as a reminder of how much you have to give.

7. Be Selective In Your Connections

Shy individuals have fewer but stronger connections, so choosing the right friend or partner is even more crucial. Give your time to individuals who are receptive, friendly, and encouraging in your life.


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8. Stay Away From Bullies And Teasers

There are always a few individuals who are prepared to be mean or sarcastic if it makes for a good punch line, some who have no idea what's suitable, and others who don't care who they hurt. Keep a safe distance from these individuals.

9. Keep A Close Eye On Everything

Because most of us are harshest on ourselves, make it a practice to watch others (without making a big deal out of it). You may discover that others are experiencing insecure sensations as well and that you are not alone.

10. Keep In Mind That A Poor Day Isn't Defined By One Awful Moment

It's easy to distort memories, believing that your shyness wrecked a whole occasion when it really wasn't a huge concern to anybody except you, especially when you spend a lot of time inside your own thoughts, as shy individuals do.

11. Put Your Creativity On Hold

Even when it isn't there, shy individuals may sense disapproval or rejection. People definitely like you a lot more than you think they do.

12. Look It In The Eyes

When you're afraid, the greatest thing you can do is confront it head-on. If you're scared, just stare it down and lean in.


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13. Give It A Name

Make a note of all of your fears and concerns. Name them, make a strategy to get rid of them, and keep moving ahead. Shyness should not prevent you from achieving your goals, so try these easy tools and see how they work for you—they're fantastic tactics to try whether you're shy or not.

If you've struggled with shyness for a long time, you've undoubtedly heard of well-intentioned advice:

  • “All you have to do is smile and say hi!” says the narrator.
  • “All you have to do now is to speak to them.” They're not going to bite.”
  • “Stop second-guessing anything.”

Of course, this advice is often given by individuals who have little (if any) experience with shyness. Chronic shyness extends beyond the transitory emotions of unease and apprehension that most individuals feel in particular settings, such as their first day on the job. In most social circumstances, shy individuals feel self-conscious and uncomfortable.

Perhaps the prospect of meeting new people makes you feel jittery, hot, and nauseated. You question that other people are interested in you, and you are concerned about what the other person thinks of you throughout interactions.

In other words, shyness isn't something you can just mask with a grin. Shyness doesn't normally go away on its own, but the 12 tactics listed below may help you begin to feel more at ease with people and with yourself.

Look Into Probable Sources

1. Look Into Probable Sources

Shyness develops as a result of a mix of variables, including

  • genetics
  • childhood environment
  • life events, according to experts.
  • Parental techniques, for example, may contribute to shyness.

In the event that your parents:

  • Potential hazards are exaggerated: You may have grown up approaching strangers and circumstances with tremendous care and reserve.
  • Set severe limits on what you may and cannot do: Even as an adult, you can be hesitant to go beyond such boundaries.
  • Were you timid or worried as a child? You undoubtedly noticed and started to emulate this behaviour.

Instability in your surroundings may also play a role, such as:

  • often relocating
  • being bullied
  • living in a dangerous area
  • having severe family dynamic changes owing to divorce or death

Any of these elements may influence how you deal with social situations. Shyness may emerge at any age, including puberty and maturity.

If you've been rejected by your classmates, or if your professors and supervisors have singled you out for criticism, it's reasonable to be fearful of such humiliating situations in the future. Discovering the source of your shyness might help you locate the correct tools to modify your fear.

2. Determine If The Problem Is Due To Shyness Or Something Else

Shyness, social anxiety, and introversion are often confused as synonyms. Some shy persons may be diagnosed with a social anxiety disorder (or introversion, or both). However, social anxiety is a mental illness, but shyness is not.

A continuous dread of rejection, disapproval, and criticism from others is what social anxiety is all about. This dread may become so intense that you avoid social situations totally. If you're shy, you can feel awkward among new people at first, but as you get to know them more, you'll find it easier to engage.

Shyness does not always result in the same level of suffering as social anxiety. It's also conceivable that others believe you're shy when you just want to be alone.

3. Examine Your Assets

Consider shyness from an evolutionary standpoint for a minute. You may have travelled out to explore new locations, gather resources, and engage with other groups if you were outgoing. If you were shy, you may have kept close to home to escape any danger.

Both responsibilities are required. However, although exploration may lead to fresh discoveries, it also puts you in the line of possible perils. Staying in one location keeps you protected.

However, rather than seeing shyness as a defect, it might be beneficial to emphasize your talents. Recognizing the areas where your talents truly shine may enhance your self-confidence, which can help reduce feelings of insecurity and self-doubt.

Perhaps you're a natural with animals, a gifted artist, or a dedicated scholar. Maybe you're a good listener, and your family and friends always come to you for advice. The world requires equilibrium and what better way to attain that balance than via the use of many personality types? Sure, it could take a little longer for you to open up. When you do, though, you have a lot to give, such as empathy, sensitivity, and prudence.

Establish Objectives

4. Establish Objectives

If you know someone who appears to make new acquaintances every time they enter a room, you may admire their outgoing personality and imagine yourself handling social situations with ease. It's not impossible, but it's typically better to start with tiny steps. Begin by examining the following aspects of your life that are impacted by shyness:

  • “I'd want to be in a relationship, but I'm too timid to meet people face to face.”
  • “My mark is based on my involvement in class, which accounts for 5% of my overall grade. But I'm afraid to tell anybody since I don't know anyone.”
  • “For this new project at work, I have a lot of ideas, but what if no one likes them?”

Then, utilizing that list, set basic objectives for yourself, such as striking up a discussion with a classmate or using a dating app to identify suitable companions.

5. Don't Be Fooled By The Lighting Effect

In basic words, the spotlight effect refers to the (often incorrect) belief that other people notice everything you do and say as if a spotlight were beaming on you. Feelings of shyness or social anxiety might be exacerbated by this cognitive bias.

When you're worried that others will see and criticize your flaws, you're more prone to linger on the outskirts of a gathering, where you can protect yourself from potential rejection. In actuality, most individuals are less attentive than you may believe, partly because they're preoccupied with their own limelight.

You may believe that all eyes are on you, but this is seldom the case. Are you still not convinced? Consider how much you pay attention to the individuals you're around and what they're doing at any given moment.


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6. Take A More Conscious Approach To Communications

Casual chats may be nerve-wracking for timid people. Even if you have a lot to say on a subject, concerns about how others in the conversation will view you may drive those insights or humorous quips to the back of your mind.

You can find yourself doing a lot of nodding or asking questions, so you don't have to say anything. Use active listening skills to concentrate on the flow of the discussion rather than pondering what they think of you or attempting to figure out what you should say.

Listening to what they're saying may help you break the cycle of fearing you'll sound uncomfortable or say something embarrassing. You'll probably be able to recognize when it's more natural to express your opinions — and you won't be surprised when they ask you a question.

7. Be Sincere

Some timid individuals use a confident façade to get through social situations. However, “fake it 'til you make it” does not always succeed. Putting on a brave front when you don't feel it might make you even more worried that everyone will see right through you.

It's quite OK to state you're scared or to inform others that you want to ease into a group at your own speed. People may even express their gratitude for the work you're putting in. And their affirming responses might boost your self-assurance in a genuine way.

Even if you believe pretending would keep the discussion flowing, avoid white lies. Telling your new housemates, “Yoga?” may seem to be perfectly innocuous. That's how I like to relax.” Consider how this may backfire. They could invite you to their Sunday yoga class when you've never done a Downward-Facing Dog before. Tell the truth instead: “I've never done yoga but would want to!”

Recruit Help

8. Recruit Help

Support from someone you can trust may make you feel more at ease in the circumstances that cause you the greatest anxiety. Of course, you can't have someone with you everywhere, but the goal is that you'll ultimately feel prepared to confront such circumstances on your own.

Invite a friend, family member, or roommate to join you on your next social outing, whether it's a quiz night, a party, or a shopping excursion. Their presence may provide enough security for you to navigate encounters without tripping over your words or forgetting what you were going to say.

Some individuals find it beneficial to have some “practice” encounters with loved ones so that they may get used to reacting to positive, negative, and neutral input. Don't forget that engaging with family and friends might help you improve your communication abilities.

Ask a friend or family member to role-play scenarios that make you feel uneasy, such as being singled out for attention.

9. Appreciate The Advantages Of Shyness

So, maybe you have a hard time opening up to new people straight immediately, or you are nervous before speaking with someone new. While this may mean you have a harder time making friends or finding dates than more extroverted individuals, it's important to remember that a little caution never hurts.

When you meet new individuals, holding back provides you with the opportunity to learn more about them before jumping into a friendship or relationship. It also provides more room for trust to grow, which is always a good thing. After all, a delayed start frequently leads to deeper connections later on.

10. Have Faith In Oneself

Whatever caused your shyness, it's just a part of your personality at this point. You may work on being less shy, but if your shyness isn't bothering you, there's no need to push yourself to overcome it. For example, you may not feel compelled to meet new people, yet you have no difficulty welcoming someone when they are presented to you.

Even though your pulse beats a bit quicker before speaking with your boss, you manage talks well when they are required. So you're not a big social butterfly. This is not the case for everyone! If you're timid and introverted, you may be quite content with your current amount of social involvement since it allows you to recharge and relax on your own.

11. Keep In Mind That Avoidance Isn't A Viable Option

It might seem a lot safer to skip out on social occasions totally than to attempt and fail to make friends. Avoiding others may insulate you from rejection, but it also increases your chances of loneliness.

You'll have to find a means to connect with people if you want to broaden your social circle. Exploring your passions — hiking, crafts, dancing, cooking, and so on — via courses, community activities, or even applications like Meetup might help you meet possible friends and companions who share your passions. More advice on creating friends may be found here.

12. Consult A Therapist

Shyness isn't a mental health issue in and of itself, but it may lead to emotional suffering over time. If nothing appears to help you relax in social circumstances, consulting a professional could be a useful next step. A therapist can assist you with:

  • coping with bodily signs and symptoms
  • delving further into the reasons for shyness – detecting social anxiety and other problems
  • questioning and reframing avoidance-inducing attitudes – experimenting with solutions for navigating social situations

When it comes to bodily symptoms, you might attempt some anxiety-relieving breathing or body movement exercises. Begin with these breathing techniques, which may help with any kind of worry.


While shyness isn't always a cause for worry, it might impede you from making meaningful relationships with people and leave you feeling lonely when you need intimacy. If your shyness prevents you from forming the deep connections you want, talk to a therapist about how you may get greater insight into the underlying issues, create realistic objectives, and work toward self-acceptance.

I trust you enjoyed this article on How To Not Be Shy. Would you please stay tuned for more articles to come? Take care!




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