How To Make Money On YouTube

How To Make Money On YouTube

How To Make Money On YouTube

How To Make Money On YouTube

Every day, over one billion YouTube videos are watched around the world. And they're not just being watched — they're being devoured. In fact, the average YouTube mobile viewing session by any one viewer is roughly 40 minutes. If only there was a way to make money off of a website people spend so much time on … As a matter of fact, there is! A few ways, actually, and the proof is in the people (and businesses) who've cashed in on their video strategy.

What Is Youtube?

If you want to break into Youtube video advertising, you'll want to learn as much as possible about the platform. But before we do that, let's take a quick look at what Youtube is. Youtube was launched in February 2005 as a way to share the latest music videos with anyone with an internet connection. But it's only become a bigger deal in the past few years. One of the biggest advances Youtube has made in the past few years is video search.

This was a major evolution for the website, as users could type in something and immediately watch it. Previously, videos would often take up to 3 days to find, and usually cost between $1 and $15 for ad space. But with video search, YouTube revolutionized the process. Videos now appear instantly, with no charge to the uploader.


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YouTube is the world's largest video hosting site. And that was before it changed from a video hosting site to a media empire. The site has grown to over 400 million registered users, and 15 billion total views each month. It's such a giant that you can watch a video on the site while being connected to the Internet and not bump into a network, and you can even search for videos by country, language, or even topic.

YouTube is a collection of video uploaders. People with cameras upload videos to upload to YouTube. The videos are uploaded in the form of “movies” or “clips.” When a video is uploaded to YouTube, it's called a “link.” A person who visits YouTube can click on that link to watch.

It's basically a video hosting site that you can access on your computer, your phone, or your tablet. You download videos you like from sites like Vimeo or YouTube and post them for free, with the knowledge that you're helping to support the content creators (i.e. the video producers).

The more people watch the more money that creators make. It's actually a pretty good deal, and it can be downright lucrative. Here are some stats you might be interested in. Over 80% of the views on Youtube are not from those visiting directly from a web browser but from mobile apps. And, of those people viewing, the average user spends over 6 minutes on the site.

How Does YouTube Work?

How Does YouTube Work?

Whether or not you're a vlogger, YouTubers, publisher, designer, musician or general content creator, Youtube will make it easy for you to monetize your YouTube videos. When a video is shared on your channels, you're able to monetize it by inviting viewers to click on an option such as “Cash Card.”

In the case of a video creator, this might be an affiliate link to service you'll want them to purchase once they watch your video, but you could also opt for an on-site “Buy It Now” option, where the audience can click through to a product after watching your

There are three main components that make up a YouTube video: The uploader, the video, and the audience. You and I are the uploaders, and we can upload videos with just our phones if we want. If we're in a studio and have a crew, we'll have a “working phone.” If we don't, we'll use our iPhone or Android, and then the video is uploaded.

The content that goes into a video has to meet some basic requirements — there needs to be a series of shots, either directly to the camera, or a zoomed-in view of the subject, etc. Also, the video has to be at least three minutes long. And it has to be original content created specifically for YouTube. Once the video is uploaded, the audience is the job of the viewer.

It's all about Google AdSense: When people go to your video site, they're usually doing one of three things: scrolling down a list of videos, looking at your menu, or using a video player to play your video. Since YouTube doesn't get any ads based on how many videos you have (or how often you upload them), it's about how many people are actually watching the video at any given time.

Your AdSense account will give you a unique URL that your visitors can click to watch your videos. The price of an ad is set at the lowest possible rate and you can choose how many ads you want to place on your site. Although it's not perfect, the process for getting your own YouTube account is fairly simple.

Can You Make Money With Youtube?

Can You Make Money With Youtube?

Can you profit off of YouTube? Here are a few ways to turn that “share-able” footage into cold hard cash. First things first: Before you set your sights on any particular YouTube partner, it's important to know your strengths. If you're skilled at storytelling and creating a complete package, chances are you'll be hired by advertisers or affiliates.

If you're a marketing professional who loves testing out new products or services, create a channel devoted to your favourite brands and products. Or, if you're interested in creative projects, you can offer your creative services to those brands.


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The business potential of YouTube is definitely huge. In fact, nearly six million Americans report using the site. But that's not nearly enough to get a crowd outside of the niche YouTube community to line up outside of your door. So if you want to make any real money on YouTube, you'll have to start creating original content.

This means an approach that's unique and that stands out. Hence, the moneymaking strategy: creating content that has something for everybody. It's no surprise, then, that videos that offer education, inspiration, fun, and so on, have a ton of viewership. You can find these types of videos on the site, but if you want to be popular, you'll need to create content that people want to watch, and share with others.

Set Up An AdSense Account

Set Up An AdSense Account

The first and most obvious way to monetize YouTube content is through Google AdSense. AdSense is one of Google's many advertising products that allow website owners and other webmasters to sell ads to interested parties. These ads can be placed anywhere on a website that's visible to the public, including the title and description, in sidebar ads, or even on the main page itself.

Google charges an undisclosed flat rate per day for any ads they host on a website. They offer several levels of ads depending on the type of ad placed, which they claim can allow for even the most uninteresting content to earn up to $5 a day.

The most well-known method to monetize a YouTube channel is to sign up for Google's AdSense service. AdSense allows you to add custom ads to your videos, and revenue generated is split with Google. But there's a catch. You can't choose the specific adverts you place on your videos. That decision is made by Google.

For a limited time, there is a free trial that is available. Just visit the AdSense website to sign up. After you've registered, your channel will begin generating revenue. Choose what ads appear YouTube allows users to upload an unlimited number of videos and as long as you meet the requirements, you can keep uploading as many videos as you like.

To begin earning money on YouTube, you'll need to start with an AdSense account. An AdSense account is the platform on which you'll receive payments from YouTube, so this is a critical step. It's important to note — you can monetize more than one YouTube channel with the same AdSense account, so if your brand has multiple YouTube accounts and you're hoping to set up monetization features on each one, you only need one AdSense account. To set up an AdSense account, simply follow these AdSense instructions, or go to and click “Sign up now”. Once you've done that, proceed to the next steps.

Become A YouTube Partner

Become A YouTube Partner

One of the easiest ways to make money from YouTube is to become a YouTube partner. To do this, you simply need to sign up for a YouTube Partner account and connect your social media profiles to YouTube. Then, you'll need to upload an attractive video that provides some useful tips for your audience.

You can do this with a few seconds of video editing software or in the form of a personal introduction video. Once you upload the video to YouTube, you'll be promoted to thousands of new viewers through the channels you've chosen to partner with. Share your videos through social media Social media is an easy way to distribute your videos on the go.

After seeing how successful companies are using the platform to engage, it's no surprise that Google decided to open YouTube Partners to anyone who's a qualified creator. Partnering with YouTube is simple — create a profile, and start uploading videos with titles that get brand names noticed.


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You'll be able to schedule your videos, upload clips, and promote your channel via the Profile's Activity Stream. The more you post, the more promotions YouTube and its partner partners give to your videos.

So don't be shy — fill up your library and rack up the likes. Submit your own video. If you're going to rely on YouTube to generate some side revenue, you'd better believe that the platform is going to promote your content.

Along with an AdSense account, you now need to be accepted into the YouTube Partner Program (YPP). There are a few requirements for joining YPP, for example, you must live in a country or region where the YouTube Partner Program is available.

You must have had more than 4,000 valid public watch hours in the last year. You must have more than 1,000 subscribers. You must comply with all YouTube monetization policies. You must have a linked AdSense account. If you meet all those requirements, you're eligible to sign up for the YouTube Partner Program.

Sell Products Or Merchandise

Sell Products Or Merchandise

Nothing's more anti-social than visiting a new YouTube video only to discover the page you clicked on actually advertised another company's products and services. That's why YouTube AdSense is a service that lets you build special banners and banners that link to one-click purchasing links on another website.

Buy ads on your YouTube channel. Yes, it may seem a little too soon for a dad to be spruiking the virtues of the “Super-Easy” Soyuz Kit Toilet Companion Buttons, but here are some reasons why YouTube is a great place to find it: You get to use your own channel and you can keep things low key, so it's much easier to explain to grandma that while they might not be long for this

For many people, there's nothing more satisfying than seeing an item they've seen on a channel they frequent in a place other than a seemingly random online retailer. The best place to monetize a video is to sell something, which can mean anything from shirts to jewelry to just about anything you can think of.

The only reason you should be hesitant is if you feel that the product has been created by someone who's doing the channel as a favour, or if you think that the partner has done something to earn a referral fee. Be careful — a channel that is solely focused on creating shirts that read “Google Me If You Can” is not going to sell well.


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There are plenty of products to sell that can help you make money through your YouTube channel. Making and selling merchandise—t-shirts, coffee mugs, tote bags, snapbacks, you name it—has a benefit beyond revenue. Merchandise increases your exposure by putting your online brand and personality out into the offline world and deepens the relationship between you and your fans as they literally “buy” into what you're doing.

Selling branded swag is easier than it might seem at first. You can order affordable designs tailored for specific products, like t-shirts, using freelance sites such as Fiverr. And when it comes to handling orders, you can integrate your store with services such as Oberlo or one of the many print-on-demand providers that take care of shipping, fulfillment, and customer support, letting you reap all of the benefits of a dropshipping business that demands less effort on your part.

Let Your Audience Support Your Work Through “Fan Funding”

Let Your Audience Support Your Work Through “Fan Funding”

Back in 2013, Epic Games took a leaf out of a book they saw on Brian Fargo's blog, seeking fan funding for an ambitious project called “Unreal.” They started a “watch Kickstarter” campaign. They wanted to make a video game. After two days, they had raised $2.4 million.

Then they went even bigger, opening the pledges to the public. And more than 3.5 million people pledged $7.6 million to the project. A quarter of the money came in on the first day. Now, they're the largest independent video game developer in the world. YouTube is kind of like Kickstarter for videos.

One great way to generate traffic for your site is to have some pretty amazing content to share. If you have an audience of people with very deep pockets, why not have them support you?

Similar to crowdfunding a project, you can also set up “fan funding” streams to source donations from your audience. As a creator, you’re contributing your voice to the internet without forcing your audience to pay for admission. So, if you’re offering good content, your audience might be inclined to support you on an ongoing basis.

Many fan funding platforms offer creators another place for people to discover their content and a way to engage their most loyal audience and reward them for their support. If you choose the crowdfunding route, be sure to follow a couple of best practices.

First, create transparency around how the money will be spent. This will get your fanbase invested in your story or mission, and they will literally buy into the value of your content. Second, offer enticing rewards for better pledges. The more you can make donors feel like they’re getting something exclusive for being a loyal fan, the more likely you are to get donations and higher pledges.

Work With Brands As An Influencer Or Affiliate

Work With Brands As An Influencer Or Affiliate

For influencer-sponsored videos, as with any other kind of video, getting noticed is the key. But for every 30,000 views, there are hundreds of people who'd like to create their own YouTube videos. So, who are these people? Your friend who just uploaded her first video to Instagram and likes it so much she'd like to post more.

Your co-worker who does makeup and a video series using products she purchased. Your bestie who wants to get into making videos. The possibilities are endless. The best thing about influencer-based YouTube channels is that they can be monetized the same way a regular YouTube channel is monetized — with ads. Plus, you can get paid in small, automated payments that can be used directly to buy video content or merchandise from the brand.

Influencers are some of the biggest and best brands in the world. But just like how they're the biggest and best influencers in their respective categories, brands also use influencers as their advertising partners.

So if you have an affinity with a certain industry and you love working with brands, consider becoming an influencer. You might be able to partner with a brand for a product that you're already sold on, or if you're starting from scratch, you can offer your expertise as a brand ambassador to help spread the word.

Brands are investing more and more in influencer marketing, spending their typically large advertising budgets on influencers who’ve already won the loyalty of their audiences. This creates a massive opportunity for you as a creator if you can negotiate the right deals.

Brendan Gahan, a YouTube marketing expert and influencer, recommends establishing your baseline flat fee by looking at the number of views your videos typically get and multiplying it by 5 to fifteen cents per view (which is around what many brands are willing to pay for views via YouTube ads). Depending on your leverage—your audience demographics, content quality, and how unique and profitable your niche is—you might be able to negotiate a better deal if the brand is a good fit.

Create Sponsored Content

Create Sponsored Content

You'll need to start with the latest updates and your niche. YouTube Influencers, for example, make their own videos on a particular subject. In some cases, they only upload videos and then use them for a sponsored content campaign. This allows their fans to learn more about their interest in a particular subject.

If you own a business, you've got your own channel (or perhaps have developed an ad-filled video series in lieu of traditional advertising). You could start working with companies and brands that want a piece of the action. You could create a list of questions people might have about your company, products, services or expertise.

Then, create your own branded or sponsored content that answers those questions and presents your expertise in a way that's interesting, engaging and more likely to be shared with friends. But remember — you'll have to build an audience and a following first.

One other opportunity to make money on YouTube comes in the form of sponsored content. If you're a YouTube influencer, you might naturally incorporate a brand or product mention into your content, create an entire video featuring a brand's product or service, or even include a brief shout-out to a brand with whom you've partnered.

There are plenty of small and large opportunities to partner with brands and receive payment, either for every individual referral you send to their website or simply for including a brand mention in your content at all. Best of all, you don't need to pay YouTube a portion of your earnings for any sponsorships — instead, you can negotiate directly with the brand.


When you decide what your business is going to be and identify a niche to target, you'll see a need for a product or service to address it. Then you can decide what your niche is, and how your product or service will address it.

Most people miss out on opportunities like this simply because they don't know how to go about it. By focusing on the most important aspects of your industry, you can determine which marketing tactic fits best, and tailor your message accordingly. Good luck and happy marketing!

I trust you enjoyed this article about How To Make Money On YouTube. Would you please stay tuned for more articles to come? Take care!




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