How To Build Your Personal Brand

How To Build Your Personal Brand

How To Build Your Personal Brand

How To Build Your Personal Brand

Everyone, including you, has a personal brand. It is what people think of you when they hear your name, what comes up when they search for you on Google, and your online presence on social media.

Developing a personal brand that will boost your job and quality of life is crucial. A strong personal brand may open doors to new possibilities and connections that can transform your life when done well.


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Having said that, creating a personal brand is challenging. The finest brand builders are smart, narrowly focused, and above all, consistent, even if you can move about and make educated guesses about the most successful approach.

In this post, we'll go through the value of developing a personal brand and provide you with some doable actions to take, even if you've never thought about it.

What Is A Personal Brand?

What Is A Personal Brand?

Most people have a brand, even though most associate brands with companies. Consider it as what others are saying and thinking about you. It captures who you are, your abilities, and how you can set yourself out from the competition. What you do and what you stand for together make up your brand.

Consider prominent companies like Apple or Nike. They do sell goods. They are more than that, however. They stand for certain ideals and feelings. The most effective personal brands are distinctive, sincere, and reliable. They establish a solid reputation for you that may benefit your personal and professional life.

Why Create Your Personal Brand?

Your personal brand encapsulates who you are and what talents you bring to the table, facilitates strong relationships and opens up new chances for you. When you are deliberate about building your brand, you'll be astonished by who begins approaching you.

However, it goes beyond this. Freelancers and contract workers will make up 43% of US employment by 2020. If this describes you, developing a personal brand may help you attract customers and earn more money. It makes you more credible and trustworthy, making it easier for customers to discover you.

In addition, a 2018 CareerBuilder poll found that 43% of companies use social media to check on existing employees and 70% of businesses use it to screen recruits. A successful and well-thought-out internet presence may make or break your job search.

You'll probably be looking for a job at some time, given the typical employment duration of four years, so it's a good idea to start developing your personal brand now before you need it. In light of the above, let's explore how you might start creating a strong personal brand.

7 Tested Ways To Develop Your Brand

7 Tested Ways To Develop Your Brand

Here are the top seven strategies for creating a strong personal brand.

Step 1: Determine Who You Are And What You Want To Achieve In Step One

It's crucial to ascertain this information because you want your personal brand to be an accurate picture of who you are, your abilities, and your goals. Be genuine and truly reflective. Start by asking yourself these questions.

  • Why do I do it?
  • Where do I excel the most?
  • What job makes me feel exhausted? What job motivates me?
  • Where do I perform at my best?
  • What sectors of the economy interest me?
  • Where do I want to be after my career is over?
  • What effect am I aiming for?

It's acceptable if the answers to these questions alter over time. You must be honest today and acknowledge that your image may vary in the future since your personal brand changes as you do.


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Ask your friends, colleagues, and relatives for advice if you are unsure how to respond to these queries. It could be a good idea to seek advice from others even if you are certain of your responses. They see you in a manner that you are unable to see yourself, and it may assist you in creating a more complete picture of who you are.

Once you're aware of these many aspects of yourself, you may work on creating an image that fits with them and advances your goals. Additionally, doing so draws in those with similar motivations to you or who appreciate what you have to give. This strengthens the network.

Step 2: Determine Your Distinct Value Proposition In Step Two

Building your brand requires leveraging your distinctions. Your personal brand won't be distinctive if you're like everyone else in the world. Those who stand out are remembered. Your special value proposition may be used in this situation. It is a succinct phrase that captures what you give that no one else does uniquely.

There are two phases you should take to define your distinctive value proposition:

  1. Recognize your advantages. Consider your previous areas of strength. Think about the praise you get and the things others say you are good at. Your distinctive value proposition is based on what you do better than most others.
  2. Discuss these advantages. You may create your brand around your strengths by evaluating them. Share your knowledge and extol your accomplishments. This increases your reputation and fosters trust, allowing potential employers or clients to recognize you as the ideal candidate for the job via your brand.

If you know your skills but are unsure how to translate them into a value proposition, it could be helpful to consider it interview preparation. Here are some methods for discovering what genuinely makes you unique:

  1. Be explicit in your response. Many individuals put forth a lot of effort, are meticulous and get along well with others. Instead, reflect on situations when your diligence or interpersonal abilities were rewarded. What qualities about you combined to make such situations successful? What enabled you to succeed while others with comparable talents failed?
  2. Ascertain how your distinctiveness will enable you to succeed. Even while it's wonderful to be aware of your abilities, they are useless if they aren't put to use. Think about your talents that transfer from sales to VC, for example, if you wish to one day go from sales to venture capital. Additionally, think about specific situations when these abilities helped you succeed as a salesman and how they will help you succeed in the VC sector.
  3. Describe your character. Even while diligence is a virtue, not all diligent people are gregarious, jovial, and likable. Your abilities and these personality qualities work together to further set you apart from the competition. It's probably a special mix that works nicely for you.

Step 3: Determine Your Target Market

A common error is attempting to win over the masses. It's crucial to identify your specialty before attempting to engage your intended market. Your personal specialization should be closely related to your company if you're starting one.

Your specialization should be in a certain area of your profession if you want to develop a brand to further your career. Start with a broad area that intrigues you to find your specialization, such as sales, marketing, or finance. Next, whittle it down at least three times as follows:

  • Consider the contrast between creating a marketing-focused brand and producing SEO-friendly blogs and articles for start-ups and small enterprises.
  • It will be quite challenging to differentiate oneself from the competition in the first category since it is vast and covers many diverse topics.
  • The second gives you a clearly defined service to supply to a clearly defined audience. Being an authority in a tiny niche is considerably simpler than a very large one.

If you're still not persuaded, consider these advantages of specialty marketing:

Less Competition

More individuals work in marketing than in SEO content marketing, especially for startups and small enterprises that use blogs and articles. You have a lot more of a chance to succeed and stand out by doing this.


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Focused Experience

Years may pass as you hone your skills in a wide subject, but you may advance far more swiftly in a particular field. More information can only be beneficial since it raises your domain authority and allows you to stand out from the competition.

Improved Customer Relations

Despite the allure of trying to reach a broad audience, conversing with a smaller, more focused group of potential customers is more fruitful. It makes such discussions more interesting and raises the possibility that a prospect may convert (or a recruiter will hire you).

Additionally, you have greater tools to get to know your clients individually and customize their experiences (or get to know a company better and personalize your interactions with them to land a position). All of this favourably propels progress.

Enhance Your Individual Website And Social Media Accounts

Step 4: Enhance Your Website And Social Media Accounts


Start by optimizing your own website. It's time to create one if you don't already have one. Although there are free website builders available, you may want to think about getting a domain and Webhosting package. I often suggest Namecheap for inexpensive domains. I'd advise Bluehost as a web host.

Include the following information on your own website:

  • About you (interests, education, aspirations)
  • Experiences from the past and noteworthy achievements
  • Your social media links
  • Value statement
  • Professional headshot and/or logo, as well as images of you
  • Testimonials
  • Distinct summons to action

Regarding social media, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok are the four key sites that individuals utilize for personal branding. Although various platforms must work together to provide a consistent message, you may choose to start by concentrating on one.


LinkedIn changed from being merely a copy of your resume to a true “social” media network sometime in late 2019 or early 2020. Because of this, LinkedIn promised several new upgrades in 2021, including “creator” mode for the platform's influencers and potential influencers.

There are key fundamentals you should address concerning developing your personal brand on LinkedIn:

  • Complete every field on your profile. This has a compelling “about” section that tells a narrative about you, a headline, bullets outlining previous experiences that concisely express the influence you made, talents (seek suggestions for these!), and recommendations (you can request these from colleagues, clients, or mentors).
  • Make use of an expert headshot. These ought to be very professional, bright, and visible. No selfies in the dark.
  • Strategically add talents. To be recognized as a marketing director, consider the most essential qualifications and include them in your profile. Then seek recommendations from your networks. Those with more compatible and approved abilities will appear higher in searches, whether you are applying for a job or someone is looking for a marketing director.
  • Keywords. Use relevant keywords throughout your profile, such as in the title, prior experiences, and about section, to promote your brand or job.

It's time to start interacting after you've mastered the fundamentals. What you can do is:

  • On the postings of other influencers, leave 3–10 thoughtful, sincere comments. Look for influencers in your field. If you write comments that are A+, they should get likes and rise to the top, enticing others to interact with you.
  • Every day, establish one significant relationship. Sending fictitious connection requests with no follow-up communication is much too simple. Instead, make an effort to have a meaningful interaction with at least one person each day.
  • One post every day. Although it might be intimidating to start posting, this is the quickest approach to get followers and developing a credible personal brand. Make genuine posts in your area of expertise. To get you started, check out this article.


Although it's more difficult to enter the Twitter community and establish yourself as a real influencer, you may use similar strategies on LinkedIn. Follow influencers in the field you're interested in, leave sensible comments on their posts, retweet them, and start tweeting your perceptive ideas.

Where you can, join relevant hashtags. Consistency is as essential for Twitter's success as any medium. You'll become more visible with your in-depth interactions with people in your field.


With TikTok and the introduction of Reels (Instagram's TikTok clone), it is much simpler for people like you and me to become video influencers quickly. Some others have seen popularity almost immediately, like Pudgy Woke, who gained tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of fans in a month before finally reaching millions.

Even if it's a dramatic example, it shows a novel “rapid” brand-building possibility that hasn't been seen before. The most important things are sticking to your schedule, keeping consistent, and concentrating on your area.

Since TikTok and Reels are well known for being trend-based, new sounds appear often. You'll get results far quicker if you can keep up with current trends and provide enlightening or amusing material.


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Step 5: Develop Your Content Strategy

Many individuals believe that providing free material entails “giving it all away.” Why would anyone pay you if you gave everything away? The exact opposite is true. Offering worthwhile, actually beneficial free material demonstrates your expertise.

It displays your knowledge. Imagine what paying you would accomplish if the free advice were effective. The first step is ensuring that all of your material is beneficial and informative. You want to be recognized as a respected expert in your field.

The second step is to examine what topics inside your area are getting attention. Exploding Topics, Google Trends, and Google Keyword Planner are excellent resources for discovering what's popular.

Then, to ensure you're part of the discussion, you may capitalize on trends related to your specialty.

The third step is to keep in mind to cover all content categories. Posting merely text or only video rapidly becomes stale. Share various content kinds throughout all platforms. These content kinds consist of:

  • Podcasts
  • Online education
  • Infographics
  • Text
  • Video
  • Slideshows
  • Webinars

You may distribute this information on a variety of platforms, including:

  • Personal website or blog
  • Additional online journals and blogs
  • Contact list
  • Podcast listings
  • TikTok/Reels
  • YouTube
  • Quora
  • Reddit
  • Facebook groups
  • Also more…

Sharing a range of material on various platforms makes you more visible and speeds up the development of your brand. Avoid focusing on just one or two kinds of material, even if it may not be possible to accomplish them all. Instead, try to alternate between at least four and five of these sorts of content and publish it on the platforms or via the media that are most likely to be successful.

Step 6: Continue To Provide Your Audience Value

Although it was only briefly stated in the last section, here is the moment to underline the significance of providing your audience with value. It's simple to produce stale material, but it's harder to provide intelligent, interesting, and actually helpful information for your audience.

Planning and purpose are necessary for producing good material. When planning your material, ask yourself, “Would this be helpful to me? Can this be done? Never accept empty platitudes or clichéd counsel. Give your readers information that will improve their life.

Create An Online Community

Step 7: Create An Online Community

Last but not least, even if building a following may appear impressive, nothing will happen if no one interacts with you. Creating a community is setting up a space where people can interact with you and one another, get to know one another and lend a hand to one another. This is a great method to set yourself apart if you want to attract business. The same is true if you merely wish to boost your professional standing.

To begin creating a community, take into account the following tactics:

Communities on Facebook and LinkedIn

These enable users to initiate discussions and threads on pertinent subjects. You are free to interject as often as you want to start dialogues.


Meeting people in person has a lot of benefits that are difficult to overstate. One-on-one conversations or big group gatherings for sharing and learning might serve as these occasions.


You may bring people together via webinars for a shared learning experience. You have the chance to interact with your audience, impart your knowledge, and further your own personal growth here.

There are several concepts you need to comprehend regarding personal branding. First, you need to understand precisely how it functions, what you can get from it, and how you can develop your brand.

For those looking to profit from it, having a recognizable name or being prominent in a certain field is highly desired. Numerous chances, advantages, gratuities, and other advantages are brought by it.

It's not only influencers who should use personal branding. Ismail Kuden of KudenRugs illustrates that you may develop your brand as well.

However, let's first define personal branding. Here is a little exercise. Try doing a Google search for your name. What came up in your search results? Your name does not leave an online trace if there is “nothing,” therefore, you must stay and learn how to develop your own brand. That implies that you must set yourself out from the competition.

Personal branding is just that. It may be characterized as how you represent yourself and build a brand around yourself rather than a company. By creating a personal brand, you establish yourself as an authority in a certain field. It may assist in increasing social media followers, which helps people get better jobs, sell more goods in their businesses, and attract better employment chances.

One does not become a personal brand overnight. Before you see the results, much preparation and effort are required. In contrast to the past, you no longer need an agency to get attention. There is schmoozing and ascent up the celebrity ladder. These days, increasing your influence comes first.

Social media makes it simple to get noticed and expand your online presence, according to Vasilii Kiselev of Top 3d Shop. Everyone, however, is competing for the same attention. There are a lot of you vying for the same focus. You need to plan strategically and appeal to your target demographic, just like a professional brand.

Conclusion To How To Build Your Personal Brand


Although creating a personal brand requires a lot of effort, the rewards are tremendous when done properly. Building unique brands enable you to connect with a network of businesspeople who value you and consider you first when new possibilities occur.

A personal brand may help you achieve your goals, whether you want to grow your company, advance your career, find a mentor, or stop seeking work altogether.

I trust you enjoyed this article on How To Build Your Personal Brand. Would you please stay tuned for more articles to come?

Take care!




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