Best Blogging Apps

Best Blogging Apps


Best Blogging Apps

Best Blogging Apps

You may rapidly set yourself up with the ability to share your work or advice with the world using the top free blogging platforms without having to worry about hosting expenses. And whether you're looking for a simple, no-nonsense tool to get your words out there with the least amount of effort, or something more versatile that can produce stunning results. if you're ready to put in a little more effort, you'll find it right here. If you’re looking for the best mobile apps to help you with blogging, this post is just for you.


What Are Blogging Apps?

Basically, blogging apps are applications that provide ease of use and quickness of posting to any service, device or website. Unlike traditional blogging sites that use a standard set of plugins and sites, blogging apps instead take the strain off the traditional “blog-website” approach and make your blog almost invisible when writing your posts.

You can publish to Instagram, Google Drive, Medium, WordPress, Tumblr, Quora and other blogging platforms all with one handy, and sometimes surprisingly complex app. How to get a blogging app? If you're looking for the best blogging apps to make it easier to publish to your favourite platforms, get started using the best free blogging apps.

These tools make it super easy to publish your blog on your mobile device, and even more convenient to find the topics of interest in your niche. And with each blogging app, you're looking for a simple way to keep your blog consistent and to get a fresh article every time.

These blogging apps aren't meant to give you the content you need to keep the readers coming back for more, but more often than not, they do allow you to take some of your post ideas and further add your unique voice to the mix.

All of these blogging apps allow you to easily follow topics of interest, keep track of new ideas, and create valuable content on the fly without having to worry about a website design. Plus, each of the apps offers easy customer reviews and several ways to monetize your post.

Simply put, blogging apps are third-party apps that enable users to share their content, communicate, comment on it, post interesting images and blogs (aka content galleries) and much more. Some blogging platforms have their own specific apps that you can use to publish your work. Some blogging platforms have integrated their own tools and are using cloud-based publishing solutions.


Why Use Blogging Apps?

Why Use Blogging Apps?

Most folks are now using social media to spread the word about their creative endeavours and to collect feedback and have people give feedback on it. Everyone has the right to share their work or write, and it's wonderful that more and more people are beginning to do it. However, there's a downside to this.

Many of the best sites can be hard to access without a lot of knowledge and technology. Also, it is very challenging to find out where to post and post the right way. For those reasons, social media or simply just the simple knowledge that they've had it with blogging, more and more people are turning to free blogging apps. If you're looking for the best blogging apps, you're in the right place. We're going to look at the best blogging apps and see how they perform.

Depending on the audience you're trying to reach and the niche your content is intended for, blogging apps can allow you to focus on more detail, edit your content to the smallest bit of perfection, and get it out to the audience you want to reach as quickly as possible.

Below are some of the reasons you might want to use blogging apps for your content creation needs. Blogging apps can allow you to publish your content and have it up on the web within a matter of hours if not minutes. If you've planned your content and chosen your target audience, this is a recipe for excellent engagement and maximum exposure.

Blogging is, more or less, the practice of composing or publishing your thoughts on a variety of related subjects on a website or blog. Since the blogosphere is one that's built around free and user-friendly publishing platforms, blogging apps are not only an invaluable tool for marketers, developers, and bloggers but for anyone who wants to upload and publish their own content.

Blogging apps make it incredibly easy for users to generate and post blog posts on their social media and website. They simplify the process of submitting content to popular social media websites such as Facebook and Twitter, which can be particularly useful for newbie bloggers. Many of them are so basic, they can even be used by a newbie to start blogging.


Advantages Of Using Blogging Apps

Advantages Of Using Blogging Apps

There's no denying that you may not have access to a computer on hand. Maybe you're trying to create content during a business trip or for an interview, or maybe you've misplaced your laptop somewhere between the interview and the business trip.

Regardless of the reason, with some basic techniques, you can get your thoughts and ideas out to the world without the need for a computer. Most of the blogging apps available on the market today come in a free version, which offers a limited feature set and doesn't have the ability to include formattings like pictures or links. Many mobile blogging apps also come with a premium version that includes premium features such as the ability to include formatting or downloading of content to your computer.

In general, blogging platforms offer something for everyone, and you don't have to start with Blogger, WordPress or Facebook to have success. For starters, the third-party apps in this list may help you create a more powerful platform than the one that comes standard with your WordPress-based blog.

For example, if you're looking to produce more visual content, you can add a photo gallery or a separate web address that serves as a standalone destination to promote your blog. And if you've written some great content, but feel it's missing something to really catch a reader's eye, you can use photo galleries and other effects to help people take a closer look.

Mobile blogging apps are certainly more convenient to use than standalone blogging platforms. You can not only take advantage of mobile-optimized platforms that will make your content travel more swiftly across the world, but it's also a lot easier to post content and blog in a matter of minutes.

Blogging apps can help you monetize your blog by allowing you to increase reach and promote your work on social media. Additionally, you can benefit from the best blogging app categories with one click. So, in the event that you're ready to make your blogging ideas a reality, there's no need to scour the web to find the ideal app for your needs. Nowadays, the market offers a plethora of blogging app categories to choose from.




Most of the newer websites (starting with Google+) are built from the ground up using WordPress. Though it’s not as advanced and customizable as other blogging tools, WordPress has an incredibly powerful set of plugins and is easily as functional as the top paid blogging platforms. The best part? It's free. The only paid option WordPress offers is the service itself.

The world's most popular blogging software, WordPress can be used for a wide variety of blog formats including photo blogs, community blogs, and even social media blogs. It allows you to create a blog, build multiple blogs, and manage your blogs all from a single interface.

Unlike other blogging software, WordPress also allows you to be the editor of your blog. It is allowing you to choose the font, the size, the layout, the colours, and the other elements of your blog to fit your needs and your personality. You can also use WordPress for social media and online businesses, and thanks to the many plugins available in the market, you can even control and improve your blog’s SEO, etc.

WordPress is a very powerful tool with several awesome features, especially if you're working within the confines of a website. By inserting your content into a number of HTML tags, you can make your site a compelling user experience that will help attract visitors to your site.

Whether you're creating a blog that will remain static or a dynamic digital publication that could change over time, this may be the WordPress site template you're looking for.

Having a blog is easy and can give you lots of options, and that includes publishing via email. Most popular email services offer some kind of blogging tools with a few restrictions. However, some offer the tools for free, others for a nominal price, while others require you to pay extra to customize your personal blog to your needs.




Let's begin our list with a somewhat different take on the popular blogging platform – you know, the one you could drop down a few dollars for if you really want to make some money blogging.

If you're going to do it right, though, you can cut out a lot of the messy intermediate and unnecessary management to get going and make some serious money without having to fuss around too much. Blogger offers you an easy-to-use interface and some powerful and extensive features, so if you're looking to monetize your blog on the cheap, it’s definitely a good option.

As the easiest and most intuitive blogging platform out there, Blogger offers everything you’ll ever need to create a professional blog in a matter of minutes. Add a stunning profile with your name and a picture to get started and then select your page layout. Add social profiles or embed a WordPress article from your blog into your profile, and you'll have your content listed on the search engine results page (SERP) in seconds.

We’re talking about the most popular blog-publishing platform out there. Blogger is reliable, easy to use, fast, and free. All you need is a site to get started. It comes with a few tools and a mobile-friendly blog editor. The blogging platform offers theme support, optional SEO integration, and blogging layouts.

Blogger is a simple blogging platform created by WordPress creator Automattic. There are no other blogging platforms that come close to the customizable functionality of this one, and if you're looking to set up a blog that looks and feels much more professional than the average mobile app, Blogger is your best bet. Blogger Features include:

  • Both light and dark themes,
  • Groups, groups, and more groups,
  • A fully customizable site theme, and
  • Loaded with premium plugins
  • and a beautiful mobile experience.


Google Analytics

Google Analytics

First and foremost, make sure you have Google Analytics installed on your site, so you can track how many people are visiting, and what they're doing while on your site. This will give you valuable data about where your site traffic is coming from, which will, in turn, help you make informed decisions on what you need to add, and what you can do to improve your online presence.

Google Analytics is the most widely used tracking tool available today. It's used to measure user engagement, traffic and conversions for online businesses and to determine what areas your blog is performing best in. It also helps you track statistics related to your blog, such as income. There are a number of things you can use Google Analytics for. One of them is that it enhances your website traffic.

Google Analytics will track what page(s) your visitors visit. This gives you an idea of what the best content you have is. In that sense, you can be well on your way to discovering the content that is most popular with your target audience. You can monitor this information, and use it to adjust the content you’re creating. You can also measure how long your visitors stay on your website.

If you want to understand how your blog is performing and where you might be going wrong, you'll need to use Google analytics. Analytics is a way to track your blog's visitors and conversions and feed you with insights. This is where Google Analytics comes in. You can get started with Google Analytics for free, or you can upgrade for a range of features.

It's a proven fact that having a solid understanding of your audience, the message you want to convey, and how you want to reach them through your content can really make all the difference when it comes to developing a successful blog.

Google Analytics is one of the best ways to research the kind of people reading your content, as well as what kind of content they are interested in. That information can then help you make the most of your post topics, content, and marketing.


Gmail App

Gmail App

Gmail is one of the most popular online services that allows you to send and receive emails to and from a large number of addresses at once, and a good thing too since you don't want to spend a dime on the upkeep of an email account. If you're not currently using an account you already own, you can easily create a free account with Gmail for Gmail users. It's a free service, and there's no data limit to your emails. As soon as you install the Gmail app, you'll be right at home using Google's email service. If you use multiple email accounts, Gmail is a great option to quickly sync them all up.

For many people, email remains the most popular communication tool, and you can easily turn it into a powerful blogging tool as long as you embrace the idea that anything you want to post will appear in your email account, and that any email you send is sent as an email. It works for friends and followers, while you can also use the app for private correspondence.

The email service Google is probably best known for is an essential tool for those looking to share their words with the world, and why not? Gmail is a free web-based email program that can also serve as a blogging platform when you need to quickly post on a computer, mobile phone or tablet.

A template and setup program, Google Docs will get you up and running quickly with access to all of your emails, as well as add-ons for adding graphics and embedding videos. All of this can be shared with just a few clicks, and taken further by sharing everything in a way that can be worked on in other parts of the world. You can manage your Gmail contacts, password protect them, invite people into them and manage who can see what.




You might have been waiting for this one, and here it is. Evernote is perhaps one of the most popular and long-standing services in the blogging world. Like many other great services on this list, it's a fantastic tool to get your thoughts down on paper, and it's simple enough to set up that you can manage and edit it from anywhere.

But what makes it really shine is that it's free, which puts it head and shoulders above any other blogging tool on this list. Say what you want, but the devil's in the details. Evernote goes well beyond a blog post as a tool. To put it simply, it lets you create web clippings of your favourite posts, thus creating a massive archive of your web content.

Evernote Business is a commercial, enterprise-oriented version of Evernote that enables users to create and manage to-do lists, notes, and sticky notes, have collaboration tools, access custom fields, share notes in Evernote or with external users, create automated reminders, search and recover notes, and more.

I do see a lot of people having a lot of fun with Evernote. You can access Evernote for free and add new notes and take notes via the web, but there's also a mobile app available. This app lets you save, organize and easily share your handwritten notes and highlights.

However, if you need more, you can buy the paid version or subscribe to a premium version that allows you to edit and make use of your notes in a much more seamless fashion. Plus, if you've ever felt like the note-taking application is missing a couple of key features, here are some of the best ones that you can add to your Evernote account.

Evernote is a self-described “digital notebook” where users can store and share anything, from files, documents, photos, notes, and anything else they want to keep in one centralized location. It's an amazing tool for creative professionals to store their ideas, communicate with collaborators, and plan tasks.

It’s easy to use and the mobile apps are incredibly powerful. And its latest update is arguably the best yet. Its iOS and Android mobile apps are now able to sync across multiple devices, providing a fully customizable experience. Plus, the offline feature lets you save articles, photos, and other content while on the go. But if you're looking for a simple, free alternative to an app like Evernote, consider getting a journal app like Keep.




Quora ( is a platform that allows you to answer any question, post a response or add content to your own post. The major difference between Quora and all other blogging platforms is that Quora only asks you one question before giving you an answer.

But it's an efficient way to find out more about something, especially something you're passionate about. Plus, if you ask for help, you get advice that's the same quality as you're giving. You also can use Quora as a way to connect with other individuals and share your knowledge and expertise with the world.

Quora may not be as slick as Quora for Facebook, which has all the bells and whistles of your high school days social networking days. But for basic advice questions, you could do a lot worse. Quora lets you ask questions of an ad hoc nature; for example, “How can I keep my dog from chewing the carpet?”.

The question is open to the audience, who will respond in the comments and thus the comment thread will be flooded with input. If your answer is the correct one, it will be added to the post and answered by other Quora users. The quality of these answers is usually subjective, with opinions flying across the board, and there are occasional grammar or spelling issues. However, for the average user, the success rate is high enough to establish the general direction.

One of the best things about Quora is that it's quick, convenient and free. Your answers, your questions, your work and your interests can all be instantly linked to your blog via simple links. Plus, you can collect these links into projects you can share with your readers.

The API is also handy as it allows you to post your latest content on a topic without you having to create a separate account or log in separately for each individual project you write on.

A helpful add-on for your blog too, if you want to post snippets of your own content and allow others to like and comment. Plus, Quora lets you submit a post for publication with other Quora users if you need help with a specific piece or need to share a resource you've collected.


It is quite common nowadays for authors to rely on an independent, guest blogger to support and promote their own work. This means you can cut out the blogging extravaganza of promoting and finding guest bloggers, spend your time writing more books and get more readers to read your work.

I trust you enjoyed this article about the Best Blogging Apps. Would you please stay tuned for more articles to come? Take care!


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