How To Find Topics To Write About

How To Find Topics To Write About

How To Find Topics To Write About

How To Find Topics To Write About

Have you ever had the need to start anything immediately and commit to stick with it? Anything, maybe picking up a new interest, developing new talent, launching a blog, etc.

You're pumped about starting a blog the next day, and it hits you. It is not simply limited to that. Just getting started with a blog is simple. You've chosen the ideal topic and created some excellent material that your readers will adore.

But with time, the tougher part of writing becomes coming up with themes to write about. Especially when a deadline is looming over your head. The hardest portion of creating outstanding material is now in front of you. Add to that a few instances of what might be labelled “writer's block,” and you're in a tough spot.


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Even a seasoned author experiences times when no inspiration, and much fewer ideas for articles, come to mind. Although the topics are real, how can you convey them to your audience? Which perspective do you pick? We wouldn't be here if it were as simple as being handed a single word that could be transformed into an exquisite passage of text.

So, where do folks get the ideas for their articles? Is it only a matter of writing about what you want, pure luck, imagination, or both? Or does it follow a pattern or structure that considers factors like audience or commercial scope? It's a combination of everything. As much as you need a pinch of creativity, you also need a pinch of structure.

So let's get right to the issue: what is the objective of a blog, how does one come up with interesting subjects to write about, and where does one obtain content ideas? Let's brainstorm and then check out the result!

Why Do You Have A Blog?

However, before you begin, you might want to establish some objectives for your website, particularly your blog. You might talk about the motivations for creating a blog and the issues it might solve. To determine a blog's objective, you can ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do you desire to produce more leads?
  • Do you want to move the crowd?
  • Do you wish to engage your audience and earn their trust?
  • Do you wish to strengthen your brand?
  • Do you want to improve your search engine ranking?
  • Do you want to position your company as a leader in the industry?

You can determine the goal of a blog based on the motivations you have in mind and work backwards from there. Additionally, it will help you organize your strategy more effectively and begin providing your audience with high-quality material.

Given that there are several forms of content writing, you should also concentrate on the best practices related to blog posts. Structure, style, and even content length are all mentioned here. For instance, a blog post should generally include between 1500 and 3000 words.

How To Find Useful Subjects

How To Find Useful Subjects

After learning the reason why let's go on to learning the method!

1. Pay Attention To The Audience

Your audience is the center of your business, and this applies to even the themes you decide to write about. Knowing your target audience is essential since you're trying to connect with a group of people looking for what you have to offer.

Consider the following scenario: You have a site that focuses primarily on digital marketing, and suddenly, you start producing blog entries about leading a healthy lifestyle. In the end, it's not a subject you should blog about.

You can discuss topics related to digital marketing but not those from a completely unrelated industry. Although leading a healthy lifestyle is beneficial, is it a topic worth writing about when it has nothing to do with digital marketing?

Consider what your audience is discussing for a bit to get some additional content ideas. The “word of mouth” era, during which it was difficult to obtain knowledge, is long gone. Additionally, selecting things to chat (and write) about only takes a click.


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Your audience might be discussing a subject in various groups, for instance, on social media websites like LinkedIn, Reddit, or Facebook. Finding themes could also begin with looking at other online communities.

However, you also need to remember that just because a subject is popular doesn't necessarily mean your blog should cover it. To determine whether the subject is interesting to your readers and whether any search volume is associated with it, you may quickly search Google using the keywords you want to employ.

You might have hit the jackpot if the numbers appear good and there's a chance for some search traffic.

Hashtags On Twitter

2. Hashtags On Twitter

Twitter hashtags are a great place to start if you want to write themes. You can also get some inspiration from trending hashtags and current events when you need them. Microblogging is the main premise behind Twitter, and one little thought can result in one of your best blog articles to date! But exactly how do you use them?

The first and most crucial step is choosing the appropriate hashtags for your company. You need to keep yourself aware of your intended audience. Therefore, a generic hashtag unrelated to your business won't do.

We'll return to the case of digital marketing. You can start looking for #digitalmarketing if your company specializes in digital marketing. To see if there are any interesting articles you may have missed, you may also browse the hot topics.

Thoughtful consideration is required when perusing Twitter hashtags, however. A hashtag's popularity alone does not imply that it is pertinent to your brand. And regrettably, it won't make the content produced using that hashtag of high quality.

Speaking of content, don't you sometimes find it challenging to come up with ideas? Inspiration is not a constant hero, as we all know. Sociable provides article-writing services for this reason. Your articles will combine high-quality material with an attention-grabbing element.

3. Check Out Older Posts

If you've had your blog for a while, you may have some past posts that you may draw on for ideas. You read that correctly: Your past writing can help you think of timely subjects to write about.

Consider each of your articles as a chapter in a larger story in which you participate. You prepared a blog post on creating great Instagram captions. You've covered every element of that excellent Instagram caption. These specifics might be used with the initial line, hashtags, emoticons, or CTAs.

As you read the piece, it occurs to you that you could use another Instagram-based article. And the subject of that essay is how to choose an Instagram theme that represents your company.

Of course, this is but one possible thought, an example. You might find useful terms or phrases by reading through some of your earlier posts. You can later use a service like Ahrefs to assess your keywords and determine their search volume and keyword difficulty. Prioritizing your material and continuing to develop your approach is a crucial stage.

Even looking over earlier blogs might provide concepts that demand more investigation. And they could all turn on the light when an idea struck!

By employing analytics, older blog entries can also show you which ones are popular. Some themes could be more popular than others and guarantee higher user involvement.

While certain topics may establish you as an authority figure, others may only help you increase your internet profile. Look at your stats to better understand what works and what doesn't.

By conducting a competitive analysis, you may learn what topics your competitors are writing about and the keywords they are employing and ranking for. You might also wish to examine the headlines.

Some headlines, with a “How to” or “X suggestions for a…” format, can be more effective than others.

Your topic for writing can be found in the headline, even if it is only a few words long.

Additionally, you can see examples of their blog's design. For instance, your rival might produce captivating articles. They might not focus as much on giving infographics to the public, though. Or they might employ too few texts and too many infographics.

In either case, it can help you understand the kind of content ideas that are effective and ineffective. Additionally, a thorough study might assist you in focusing on elements that you or your competitors may have overlooked.

Answer The Public

5. Answer The Public

Have you ever pondered what queries individuals have about a particular topic? Or what they might be interested in learning when they type in a term like “chocolate”? The options are limitless, and providing answers to some questions is another place to start when creating interesting content.

However, how do you avoid it? One resource can assist you in responding to some of your audience's most pressing queries. Using information from Google or other search engines autocomplete features, AnswerThePublic suggests words and questions associated with the public's most popular search terms. It's almost as though you can read minds!

You can use AnswerThePublic to help you create appropriate material for your audience. Additionally, it will assist in ending any writer's block and promoting your website. You can search for subjects, brands, or goods; it just takes one or two phrases to get the best results. Then, just let your creative juices flow!

Additional Ways

Finding the correct themes to write about and then nailing the delivery are essential for successful content marketing outreach. It's useless to specialize in either one or the other.

Sometimes it seems like the initial portion is the most difficult. You are at a loss for words and don't know where to look for inspiration as you stare at a blank page. It happens often. The experience of writer's block is as old as writing itself.

Finding inspiration requires effort, at least when it comes to content marketing. You probably won't come up with a topic that gets shared a thousand times out of thin air. We have a list of our favorite (free) resources for finding content marketing outreach articles because of this.


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1. Conduct Content Marketing Outreach Study Using Google

A Google search should always be your first port of contact; the same goes for any content marketing plan. Google knows what people are looking for and makes it as simple as possible for them to find it. Google will offer you a few ideas once you start typing one of your goal keywords into the search field based on relevancy and search history metrics.

For instance, Google suggests “for beginners,” “for youngsters,” “near me,” and “London” when I type in “guitar lessons.” These last two may not be relevant, but if you're planning to create an essay for the public about how to play the guitar, keep in mind that there is a need for beginner-level content. Using locational keywords will assist you to raise your profile locally if you do want to target your neighbourhood.

Go to the news tab of a Google search to see recent news articles relating to your keywords. Keeping up with the most recent events and popular themes will help you write content that is still current, interesting, and, most importantly, clickable and shareable.

Use Google Trends And Alerts To Find Topics To Write About

2. Use Google Trends And Alerts To Find Topics To Write About

Google has a few fantastic research tools besides its search engine. Thanks to alerts and trends, you can observe what's popular and on the rise. They are essential if you want to maintain your content marketing outreach.

With Google Alerts, you may create a daily, weekly, or real-time news alert for specific terms. If your company sells coffee, you might want to set up a daily alert for the word “coffee.” You'll receive emails once new information on that delectable black nectar is published.

Google Trends allows you to take a wider view, while Google Alerts is ideal for developing topical content for your content marketing plan. Enter a few terms, and the tool will show you how frequently Google has searched for each term over a specific time period. This is excellent for determining what is and is not popular.

Do you want to write about music classes or guitar lessons? According to Google Trends, the former is true.

Maintaining the topicality of your outreach content will boost shares and make it more editor-friendly. Maintaining editors on your side is important for your content marketing plan, so don't undervalue this.

3. Use BuzzSumo To Determine Which Articles Get The Most Shares

You may use BuzzSumo to see which blog posts about particular subjects receive the most online shares. You can also see the source of the sharing, whether it was Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, or Google+.

Type in one of your keywords first. Consider that you are trying to come up with outreach article ideas concerning vaping. The search results can include a court decision article on which you might write an opinion piece or a cool infographic about the advantages of vaping to smoking.

To obtain a sense of the kinds of material that receive shares, you can also use BuzzSumo. Information graphics, guest blogs, giveaways, and other content can all be filtered.

Consider the type of content marketing outreach you're attempting, then observe what is circulated most frequently. You're missing a trick if you're not creating infographics since they are the most popular form of content for your particular sector.

4. Use Twitter To See What Topics People Are Discussing

Twitter is a useful research tool in addition to being a tool for procrastination. It enables you to view current trends in real-time. Finding excellent writing subjects is not impossible; one approach is to capitalize on current trends.

But beware—clinging to the newest internet memes or viral videos without actually comprehending them can resemble your middle-aged uncle rapping along to Kendrick Lemar.

There is a strong backlash against companies that desperately appropriate something well-liked. Finding pertinent subjects to write about is one thing, but using offensive memes to make your plumbing company seem hip or relevant to young people is embarrassing. It might result in publicity, but not all press is positive.

Since Twitter gives you access to the majority of journalists and bloggers around the globe under one roof, it is also helpful as a networking tool. Watch out for hashtags like #journorequest, a journalist's call to action for subject-matter experts in particular fields. By keeping an eye on Twitter, you might be able to gain a quotation and a backlink in a major publication.

Your content marketing outreach depends on the time you invest in research. Editors will check to see if your information is timely, compelling, and worth sharing. Your finger will be firmly on the pulse if you use some free tools we've listed.

How Should Content Ideas Be Written?

How Should Content Ideas Be Written?

Our greatest recommendation for coming up with subjects for content writing is to test various strategies until you find one that works for you.

Some authors prefer to create a very organized outline before they begin writing, noting each headline and the primary idea of each section.

Some people find that they do better by making decisions as they go along, studying each headline and writing that portion before going on to the next. We'll leave you with a few best practices even though there isn't one writing method that works for everyone.

Start With the Data: Even if you probably already have a theme in mind, the purpose of the material goes beyond merely expressing the viewpoint of your business. Additionally, the information must appear prominently in search results and draw readers or viewers.

When creating pillar pages or video scripts, use user behaviour data to select the optimal title and section headings. Whether or not you share their desires, remember that you are there to provide the audience with what they require.

Consult Outside Sources: Since your content will be published online, you must be aware of the competition. Searching for your title on Google is a smart beginning step. What is already listed first for this concept? Read the material.

How can yours be better, more effective, or convey the same information in a way that readers will find more appealing? Always link to the source and include their name when using external quotes or data points.


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Make careful when you pull your data that you aren't citing the rivals! The website backlink will give their page more authority. You can always Google a statistic to find the source if you need to use one they used.

Our final piece of advice is to choose internal editors who will read or watch anything you produce before it is published. But it's also crucial that these individuals comprehend the content's objectives.

Sharing a piece with a subject matter expert, for instance, could be counterproductive if you're trying to simplify a complex issue since they might want to include every last detail and overexplain, which is the exact opposite of what you're trying to do. Always remember to take criticism with a grain of salt and put the audience's needs first.


Indeed, coming up with the ideal topic to write about is not always easy. It's also possible that you've identified the ideal subject, but all you can do is ponder a white page. We may have just given you a topic suggestion: how to get past writer's block!

However, you can do a few things to create the high-quality content your site requires. These things entail, on the one hand, using social media and, on the other, listening to your audience.

They also include going back and reading some of your earlier entries and peering over the fence at your rival's site. The final one may sound like a trying experience, but it can help you develop and generate fresh content ideas!

Writing on a subject requires a thorough process that involves more than just creativity. To the point of providing high-quality information, it also needs some organization and research.

Although repetition makes perfect, keeping up with the full writing process can occasionally get daunting. You can get assistance from SocialBee with the article writing process, enabling you to give high-quality material to your audience.

I trust you enjoyed this article on How To Find Topics To Write About. Would you please stay tuned for more articles to come?

Take care!




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