SEMrush Tutorial

SEMrush Tutorial


SEMrush Tutorial


SEMrush Tutorial

Have you ever used SEMrush? Or, are you thinking of using SEMrush’s keyword magic tool but you have no idea how to use this? Well, I have good news for you. Read this article carefully because in this article I am going to show you how to use this SEMrush’s keywords magic tool by giving you a tutorial and then, create useful content that will help your e-commerce.

In this article, first I will tell you what SEMrush is about, as well as real examples on how to use this tool and advanced filters that you can use. I will also give you several tips that will be a great help in mastering the use of SEMrush. I believe that you should have a stronger idea in terms of how to use this tool to create useful and creative ideas by the end of this article. I will help you and your e-commerce to get the traffic that you dreamed of. Let’s see what this SEMrush tutorial is about.

I have been using SEMrush since 2015 and I believe that after years of using SEMrush, I completely know the ins and outs of using this incredible keyword magic tool. If you are eager to learn more about this tool, take one hour of your time to read the full article and trust me, you won’t regret it.


Introduction To SEMrush

I believe that you already have heard of SEMrush or else you wouldn’t be here. In general, SEMrush is a digital marketing tool that you can use to find and create useful keywords and also, carry out competitor analysis.

SEMrush’s keyword magic tool is one of the easiest and most powerful ways I have found over the years to create and find long-tail competitive keywords that might help to attract traffic to your website. I mean who doesn’t want to increase the number of visitors to their website, am I right?

If you haven’t heard of long-tail keywords, these are longer keywords consisting of several phrases that will help the visitor of a certain website to find what they are looking for more easily. If you can master this option, you will bring the customer closer to the point of purchase.

I know you have used a couple of them in order to find the phrases that you are looking for. However, you will be required to do more work than you should usually do such as using Google Autocomplete.

For example, using Google autocomplete, you will be required to add your phrase alongside letters such as a, b, c, etc., in order to get a grasp of resulted phrases. Then, you should test all those phrases on a ‘search volume tool’ in order to see whether the long-tail phrases you have found are actually useful or not. Seems pretty convenient but it will need a lot of hard work.

Well, SEMrush does all the above tasks for us and even more than what you can expect. You will be able to obtain the exact or related phrases that you are looking for. So I’m asking you. Which one will you choose? Well, that answer is already given and I know why you are here.


Real-World Examples Of SEMrush

In the following example, I assumed that your business is about selling laminate flooring. By using SEMrush’s keyword magic tool, I want to improve the number of traffic to the website.


Real World Exapmple Of SEMrush


To access the keyword magic tool, you can look at the left side of SEMrush where you can find this option (red highlight). In order to get the result for laminate flooring, I typed the phrase ‘laminate flooring’ into the search bar that you can see in the upper section. After that, total search phrases will be shown on the lower section and as you can see, I have found more than 70,000 results for my search. However, not all of them will be used to improve my website.

Now, if you look at the top of the result section, you will see that there are a couple of categories to use with which you can downsize the number of results based on word count, competitive density, SERP features, Volume, KP%, CPC, and results in SERP. If you are not finding the filters you are looking for, just click on the advanced filters and all of the filters will be shown to you. In addition, you can make a broad search, phrase match, exact match, and also related search.

You might be confused right now. so take a moment and bring your mouse over each of these categories and there will be a definition for all of them. I can claim that SEMrush is providing the best filters based on which you can find the desired results.


SEMrush Tutorial Filters


As you can see, I applied several filters and the number of results decreased to be 962. Now if you look at the left section, you will see that the results are also can be filtered based on the other factors such as install, oak, cleaning, installing, etc. It must be noted that these keywords are all related to the search and nothing unrelated will be shown.

Now, as you can see, I chose the ‘installing’ factor and the number of searches decreases to be 36. Look at the following image. I clicked the install and the following result was first shown. However, you can choose other factors such as oak and other phrases related to these keywords will be shown to you.


Now You Can Chose Other Factors


Let’s just say that you want to create content related to the best laminate flooring. All you need to do is to click on the keyword ‘best and’ then, desire phrases (which I chose to be at least 3 words) will be shown to you. Look at the following image again.


SEMrush Tutorial


As you can see in the above image, there are some potentially good long-tail keywords such as ‘best underlay for laminate flooring’, ‘best waterproof laminate flooring’, ‘best laminate floor cleaner machine’, ‘best underlayment for laminate flooring on concrete.

You can also sort their result based on the above categories, i.e., competitive density, volume, etc., meaning that you will be able to create content with different subjects. Choose wisely.

Now that you have obtained long-tail phrases to create good marketing content for your website, you can expect a good improvement by applying these keywords. The better the keyword, the more traffic you will get.

Now, we are not finished yet and I want to show you the real magic of this tool. Now as you can see, all of the above results search volume of 100 to 1000 per month meaning that if we are able to use these high-volume keywords to create high-quality content, we may actually bring our website among the three top searches of Google and increase that number of organic traffic to your website.

Aside from keywords, you can actually find out about the questions that are frequently asked by the user on search engines. Obtaining these inquiry questions became so much easier using SEMrush. All you need to do is to change the category from ‘All’ to ‘Questions’ and you will see all the inquiries related to laminate flooring that are asked frequently by two users. Look at the following image:


SEMrush Tutorial


As you can see, after I applied all my filters and also the question filter, I got 141 results among which you can see ‘how much is laminate flooring’, ‘ how to shine laminate floors’, ‘can you paint laminate flooring, and ‘how much does laminate flooring cost’.

Now, all you need to do is to sort the list based on categories you require especially competitive density. My results are already sorted based on competitive density, keyword difficulty percentage, and volume which I believe are the best results for laminate flooring.

All of the above keywords have low competitive density and low keyword difficulty percentages. If you don’t want to go deeply into the competitive end of things to start out, you can go further down the results and look for the word with several hundred search results. Look at the following image where you can see this type of results:


SEMrush Tutorial


The best way to construct your Niche is by working with a long-tail niche with a low number of monthly searches, and then, build yourself up to work with keywords that are searched more than 1,000 times on a monthly basis. Keep it slow and don’t rush.

As you can see, you have a long tail keyword that will help you create your content based on what users have frequently searched on the search engines during the last couple of months. Don’t forget using this stupid you can create content that will help your business and e-commerce.

You will have a couple of options. You can either use these long-tail question-type keywords in order to answer them in unique content or you can choose general keywords such as ‘installing laminate flooring’ and create awesome content that will be attractive to the users.

Now, you must think of ways to create this content. You must think of content that will look appealing to the customers and will bring them closer to the last step of the purchase. Trust me, customers care a lot about the content you post on your website. So, keep it coming and make the contents in your mind before posting it. What do you think when the content is finished, do you like it yourself or not?

It is also important to mention that your job is to make the customer buy your product and service. Therefore, the content you create must be also related to the buying process and somehow lead their customer to the buying a certain product. That is why the quality of content you create is of great importance.


A Great Idea About Using The Question Type Keywords


A Great Idea About Using The Question Type Keywords

Here is a good idea of how to use question-type keywords to create attractive content. You might notice that the question that every user asked on the monthly basis can differ and therefore, checking out these questions will be of great help. How? For example, you can create a couple of content on a weekly basis and answer questions about ‘laminate flooring’ that are frequently asked by the users. Use your imagination to create the best content you can.


Important Features of SEMrush

  1. 1. ‘Related’ Tab

If you have noticed in the above images, there is a tab located just beside the other factors on the dashboard page which is called ‘Related’. Look at the following image:


Important Feature - The Related Tab


Now, you may wonder what does this tab does. If you click on the ‘related’ tab, you will be able to access the keywords related to the keywords that you entered into the tool and you didn’t originally think about. You have seen such an option when you were trying to use Google to search for something and Google suggested to you some other keywords that may come in handy. Look at the following image where I deleted all the filters and activated the ‘related’ tab:


SEMrush Tutorial


In the above image, you can actually see phrases and long-tail keywords that are all related to laminate flooring. For example, you can see the following phrases: ‘where to buy laminate flooring’, ‘who has the cheapest laminate flooring’, and ‘what is the laminate’.

Look at the following image where I sorted the result based on the monthly search and you will see that there are other results such as ‘what is the difference between laminate and vinyl flooring’, ‘ what is vinyl plank flooring, and other types of questions that are not necessarily related to laminate flooring. The only difference between these results is that different materials are being used in flooring.


SEMrush Tutorial

  1. 2. Lead your customer to purchase step by giving them a comparison

Why does a customer purchase your service? Have you given them any reason to do so? Well, you haven’t. One of the best ways to do so is by doing a comparison, giving the motivation to the customer to purchase your service.

People who are close to their purchase are actually skeptical about certain products and similar versions of them. They cannot make up their minds and therefore they need something to push them. This is where the comparison comes in.

Content with comparison ideas is considered one of the crucial content to the last step of the purchase. One of the great features provided by SEMrush is its ability to give you comparison-type keywords. For example, at the following image, I just have to click on ‘vs’ which is located just at the left side of the keywords:


SEMrush Tutorial


And I got the following results:


SEMrush Tutorial


As you can see, the results such as ‘laminate vs. vinyl’, ‘laminate vs. vinyl flooring’, and ‘vinyl plank vs. laminate’ showed up among my results. All you need to do now is to create the best content you have in your mind and post it on your website. The customers who are skeptical about what they want to buy will be intrigued to purchase something that you have on your list of services and the purchase will be finished. Good luck!

you should never be afraid to give something that the customer truly wants and I know you have access to endless keywords and questions that are frequently asked by customers. Use them for your and business advantage.

In general, I can divide the use of this important tool into three sections:

  • Logging into SEMrush’s magic tool which you can access by clicking on the link.
  • Next, you will be required to enter your phrase and the keywords that you are looking for.
  • At the final step, you just need to apply some filters.
  • Using the results keywords, create an idea and write your content. Good luck!

I believe that I completely covered all the parts related to SEMrush’ keyword magic tool. Next, there are a couple of crucial notes that must be reviewed and then I finish my review SEMrush with a conclusion.


Crucial Tips You Must Know About SEMrush

  • Watch for the trend lines

If you watch closely, you will see a trend line shown in the form of diagrams that is located just at the right side of the resulted keywords. Make sure you watch these trend lines carefully and consistently so you won’t introduce seasonality into the organic search traffic.

Having seasonal content is not a bad idea but you must create a balance between the content you create and post on your website.

  • It is important to prioritize the content based on the keywords with the lowest result

Never forget that we are trying to create the most unique content that will bring our website to the first right in the search engines. This is obvious, isn’t it? When content with similar keywords is posted on different websites abundantly, the chances that your website with similar content to be one of the first search results is very low. And this is because there are a lot of pages that you must compete with. We don’t really want that especially when you are a startup, do we?

For this reason, you should look for phrases and long-tail keywords that will give you fewer results meaning that there are less content written and posted for what the user wants. When you create this unique content, you are actually making sure that people who are seeking unique needs will find you faster than other websites.

Note that one website with unique content is specifically designed and written for the users will be the winner because they are written to satisfy the needs of the users and not just any page for users to see (not to see in most cases).


Use More Than Three Filters


  • Use more than three filters

There is a good reason why SEMrush has added a couple of filters to its keyword magic tool. You are using this tool to access the keywords and save yourself a lot of time in order to find the needed keywords. Based on my experience, the best filters for finding the needed keywords and phrases are given as follows:

  1. The keyword difficulty (KD) is recommended to be less than and equal to 80.
  2. The phrase or long-tail keywords are recommended to consist of at least three words.
  3. And lastly, there must be a monthly search of at least 100 to 1000 per month.

It is important to mention that the above numbers are all experimented with to give us the best results. However, you can play with the numbers based on your needs and get the best results. The above numbers are good for a startup but if you have a team of experienced SEO workers, you better consult them before choosing your keywords and phrases.


I hope that this article gave you a lot of insight into what SEMrush is and how can how you can use it and how to grow your e-commerce and startup.

In our review of SEMrush, firstly I introduced this platform and its keyword magic tool that can come in handy and finding right and the best keywords and phrases in order to create the most appealing content.

Next, I gave you a tutorial on how to use SEMrush’s keyword magic tool and finally, presented some tips that might be a help in obtaining the results you want in a fast manner.

In general, this tool

  1. will help you monitor and manage organic traffic to your website.
  2. will help you develop and create content that will bring the customers closer to the purchase step.
  3. will help you take your business and marketing skills to a next level.

It is important to mention that SEMrush’s keyword magic tool is just one of the tools presented by this platform. However, if you go deeper, you will see it has other benefits for your business. Check out the website and see other features of SEMrush.

I trust you enjoyed this SEMrush Tutorial. Please stay tuned for more articles to come. Take care!


Your Opinion Is Important To Me

Ideas? Questions? Comments? I would love to hear from you. Please leave me your questions, experiences, remarks, and/or suggestions about this SEMrush Tutorial in the comments section below. You can also reach me by email at

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