Top Types Of Social Media Content To Create

Top Types Of Social Media Content To Create

Top Types Of Social Media Content To Create

Top Types Of Social Media Content To Create

Your success on social media entirely depends on the success of the content you post. Producing effective, high-performing content, however, presents many challenges for small businesses. It’s competitive, time-consuming, and should ideally add value to your customer experience. So let’s see the different types of social media posts that can help you engage your followers right away!

Social Media Content Types

Ready to start levelling up your social media content? One of the best ways to generate more brand awareness and engagement on social media is by creating social media graphics that grab attention and entice action. But it’s easier said than done, right? That’s why we’ve put together this guide on the top types of social media content to help you see more overall engagement. Let’s get started.


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Here’re are the two most important types of social media content:

  1. Images: keep in mind that images deliver more social shares than text-only content. After all, 80% of your audience prefers to consume photos over text in social media posts. They can also help draw an audience’s attention when trying to find what you’re posting. You’ll want to research a few unique filters and effects for the images you post to create effective images that capture your brand in its best light.
  2. Videos: Videos are perhaps the best way to deliver engaging content on social media. A study by Sprout Social found that 60% of consumers prefer to watch videos than read or listen to them. Even a long-form video of five minutes or more is sufficient to create a visual experience that provides visual appeal. Videos are also easier to share than images.

What Type Of Posts Perform The Best?

When it comes to writing posts for Facebook, Linkedin, or Twitter, it’s possible to employ multiple tactics to drive traffic. With every type of social media platform, you’ll be able to determine the best kind of posts to create for your target audiences. So, let’s see what’s called a social media post first, then take a look and other common types of posts.

Social Post: A social post is a short message that delivers value for your target audience. This can be your homepage, a newsletter, or a press release. It’s a perfect place to share news about your business, brand, or industry. Though you may want to use an editorial calendar to publish posts monthly, weekly, or even daily, social posts can be a great way to engage with your followers and drive sales.

Social Media Content Goals

Social Media Content Goals

There are several reasons why social media marketers create social media content:

  • To build brand awareness
  • To build brand advocacy
  • To drive traffic to your website

But many brands don’t focus solely on these three goals. Many see social media as a place to disseminate information (i.e., the intended purpose of social media posts) and not a means for creating compelling visual content that encourages various actions from their audiences.

So before we dive into the different types of social media content to create, it’s important to set clear goals for your content creation.

What Type Of Posts Perform The Best?

To help you improve your social media strategy, we gathered the 3 most effective types of social media posts for small businesses. Let’s get started.

  1. Videos, are an obvious choice, especially if you’re in the eCommerce business. As a rule, video posts reach more users than other types of social media content, both directly and indirectly, as they enable you to deliver more personalized content.
  2. Interactive Videos. If your audience can use your product in some way, you can easily create interactive videos. This will help you engage and convert your users.
  3. Infographics. They are a very visual way of communicating complex information.


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How To Create Content For Different Platforms

With a diverse number of social media channels, various platforms share some common elements. That means there are many different ways to create social media content that appeals to a specific audience.

Creating content for the same platform can get repetitive, though, so it’s always best to mix things up. Here are some of the most popular social media platforms and how to create content for them.


One of the most popular social media channels around, Instagram is a visual-first network. It’s all about the photos, and people can quickly see what’s being posted. The biggest challenge with this social media platform is not sharing visual content that’s anything more than a square.

Instagram Stories – This isn’t just another popular social media app on the market. Instagram stories are some of the most entertaining and shareable things you can create on Instagram. Why? It’s all about the use of different filters.

These filters allow you to make the image or video look more interesting and photogenic than if it were just your regular photo or video. Plus, you can even add emojis, which can add a lot of personality to your posts.

What makes Instagram stories so good is the way it’s user-driven. Since you’re putting up something for your followers, you want to make sure they’re going to love it. You can do that by researching popular hashtags to add a little spark to your posts.

Facebook Live

Facebook Live

Everyone is watching Facebook Live. Why not capitalize on this and make a Facebook Live from the perspective of your business? Use your corporate website to provide a summary of the day’s events and post to Facebook. Get your staff to post in the comments that they are on hand to answer any questions you get from viewers and make the most of the captive audience.

Put together a fun, interactive video on social media with some special guests as a short appetizer. Get your fans and followers involved and ask them questions to post and tag other people to answer. This creates an authentic interaction between your brand and its community, so make sure you keep it short and don’t take too much time to follow up, respond or engage with any comments.

LinkedIn Posts

You should probably start with LinkedIn. It’s a go-to social media platform for most professionals, and it’s a pretty powerful tool for marketing. Plus, it’s a lot more in-depth than your Facebook or Twitter feed.

LinkedIn Pages. If you want your LinkedIn posts to really stand out, use a special LinkedIn Page format. Posts are designed for professionals, so you need to address your target audience. That means creating posts that cover topics that matter to your industry and current professional goals.

You can even offer some insider tips to help your audience succeed and get ahead in their career. It’s a great way to create an engagement opportunity because you’re writing directly to your audience.


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Tweets And Retweets

As I wrote before, your tweet has a minimal set of potential actions. For example, you can receive a tweet from the President of the United States or an engaging hashtag. That means you can’t expect many responses. But your other two “actionable” content types can give you some traction and make it easier to get people's attention.

These are your Tweetable content types: photos, videos, GIFs, quotes, and polls. To create a Tweetable content type, you must determine the target audience’s primary interest or motivation in your message. Then, you need to start thinking of other ways to intrigue them. It all starts with determining the motivation or goal for the Tweet.

Video Content

When directed at your customers, video content helps you engage with them in a fast and engaging way. This is because, compared to still images, videos showcase your value through your words, giving your customers a deeper understanding of your services and products.

A great way to post videos on social media is to focus on a single feature that your customer will benefit from. Do this in your social media marketing campaign, and you’re guaranteed to improve your brand awareness and customer retention! Videos are quick to produce and usually take around 10-15 minutes to create and upload.

In 2016, Facebook users spent three hours and 11 minutes per day on the social media platform. Thus, making videos is a critical way to engage your customers and be seen. You can use several tools to produce video content, like video-editing software or finding and uploading footage from your own personal sources. Add this type of high-value content to your social media marketing strategy to effectively increase the reach of your posts.

If you are unsure about what to say or what the right things to include in your video, contact a professional videographer to help you make your content.

Photo Content

Photo Content

Want to increase your chances of connecting with potential customers? Showcase your product or service with high-quality photos. Make sure that all images you use are of great quality so that they can be embedded or re-posted on social media. Tell the story of your product in photos.

Viral marketing firm Evergage has already covered the importance of photo content in influencing peoples’ behaviour. Social media accounts or platforms are the best places for your customers to engage with you.

But you can't just post pictures on your social media profile and expect your social media followers to react. In fact, a blog post by Unbounce talks about how social media posts containing photos are more likely to go viral than other types of content.

While it may not be the first type of content that comes to mind, you wouldn’t be wrong to think this can be boring at times. Many social media users appreciate seeing a quality photo or two of what your business does. But before you shoot a photo for social media, it is important to use a decent phone camera and the best settings.

If you do not have the proper equipment, investing in good photo editing software can be your best bet. Try Blurb.

And of course, many other similar studies also back up the same result. When you use social media, you can easily distinguish between a successful campaign and a failed one by leveraging the power of pictures.

Quiz And Polls

You probably don’t need an introduction to quizzes, polls, and surveys. These types of content are highly shareable and popular on social media platforms. The trick here is to create content that’s still interesting enough to engage followers and hopefully encourage them to take a peek into your business.

It’s also one of the most highly viewed social media posts. Quizzes and polls can be a winning strategy for you to increase conversions. It should have a clever name and will surely keep people coming back to your social media platforms.

The concept of social media is like advertising on the internet; it works like this – after your followers get to know about you, they share your content on their own accounts. Your followers will see a Facebook post on their newsfeed. Then the shares will then be converted into leads or visitors, which is how social media converts leads into sales.

With a quiz, your readers must answer one of the questions asked to find the best matches their personality traits. For example, you can choose two personality traits and ask readers to rank them from one to ten. You can also pose a question related to the same topic that others can also share their answer on. Polls are more simple. The idea is for readers to share their answers to a given question or topic.


One of the most popular types of social media content, an infographic is a handy way to educate and inform. It’s always a great source of information and can be utilized across all your social media platforms.

If you want to see how your customers react to your posts and updates, it’s good to conduct a customer survey. A great way to gain valuable insights is to conduct a post with a survey at the end. Some on-trend topics survey companies always recommend.

Also, infographics are the most versatile of content types. Thanks to the simple format, they are unique and eye-catching and super easy to create. If you cannot complete a full report on a topic, use infographics to provide a one-stop-shop for all the necessary information. Their versatility makes them perfect for generating a ton of organic traffic to your business site. Ecommerce companies can effectively use marketing freebies to get brand recognition on social media.

Many consumers, especially on social media, are looking for things that they can see themselves using in real life.

Shareable GIFs

GIFs on social media are an effective way to communicate in a highly visual format. They provide a unique creative touch to social posts that can resonate with people quickly and effectively. They’re easy to share and embed and a very cost-effective alternative to other media platforms.

Also, GIFs are the perfect way to convey a visual in a short time period, and GIFs can be shared in different formats, including text-only posts, images, videos and images. They can be used for advertising, creating social media updates, and more.

To use a GIF effectively, start by drawing a symbol or graphic, such as a heart, owl, ball, smiling face or tick, to illustrate the concept. Then share the graphic in a post or an image or use it as a background for another social media post.

These days numerous GIF-sharing websites offer creative and interactive ways for your followers to share your posts. There are also digital tools that can help you make the best use of GIFs as visual content for your social media channels. If you’re not yet using GIFs on social media, it’s time to get with the times and build a game plan to turn this buzzword into a useful tool for your marketing efforts.

Top Types Of Social Media Content To Create

Top Types Of Social Media Content To Create

Your success on social media entirely depends on the success of the content you post. Producing effective, high-performing content, however, presents many challenges for small businesses. It’s competitive, time-consuming, and should ideally add value to your customer experience.

Editorial-Style Posts

Your social media content should be concise and share your philosophy on a given topic. If you already have an established online presence, an editorial-style post is a great way to use your expertise to gain a loyal customer base. For example, if you run a salon or a spa, you can post a quick tip on your Facebook page and link to a blog post explaining why you are sharing the tip with your audience.

This can also serve as a nice recap of what you discussed on your blog, such as maintaining clean hair for a good hair day. Another example: a financial advisor, who wants to connect with investors on LinkedIn, could share a popular quote he came across. He would then link to another post where he provides more insights into the topic.

Summary Of The Types Of Posts You Should Be Making

So what are the different types of social media posts you should be making? Some will require more technical know-how. Others are more popular because they help you drive conversions.

Social-Directed Posts – Essentially, social media posts are designed to drive traffic and lead to your website. Some of the most popular examples include:

Fashion & Style – Customers will be more likely to like a post that appeals to their tastes.

Tech & Gadgets – People love seeing posts that sell products or services they’re interested in. It’s also a good way to build trust and authority by showing off your product.

Travel – Giving details about a trip or other experience will make your followers curious and interested.

When To Post

Before the days of the Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram revolution, you’d typically only post on these platforms once a day. However, today, social media has changed drastically. You should be posting to your social media networks multiple times each day. Your Twitter profile should be updated at least once per day, if not more. This is especially true if you’re posting brand new content to your account, whether your latest blog post or exclusive industry content.

Your Facebook profile should be updated once every 24 hours, and your Instagram profile should be updated once every 24 hours too. If you’re trying to get more engagement from your social media platforms, you need to post regularly and often.


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Strategies For Engaging Your Audience

Our guide covered the importance of creating compelling social media content to get noticed by users and actually take action with what you’re sharing. But so that you know, social media tends to skew towards sharing photos and status updates in most cases. These are great on the surface, but they lack a lot of depth.

While they connect with users on a visual level, users seek deeper connections and value from your content. We all know the old saying that less is more when it comes to social media. While this may be true, there are still some things you need to add to make your social media content compelling.

Content Mistakes To Avoid

You can’t create quality, relevant, and effective content without some quality measures. By doing that, you’ll ensure that you’re not falling prey to a few mistakes.

Add Longer Videos. You may have amazing video content, but the longer your videos are, your followers are less likely to watch them. Besides, you may have videos with inappropriate content that might make your audience uncomfortable.


That’s it. I hope we can cover all important things about top types of social media content and hope you liked this article. Feel free to leave your opinions in the comments below, and I’ll come back to you soon!

I trust you enjoyed this article about the Top Types Of Social Media Content To Create. Would you please stay tuned for more articles to come? Take care!




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