How To Make Money As A Kid

How To Make Money As A Kid In 2022

How To Make Money As A Kid In 2022

How To Make Money As A Kid In 2022

There’s a new way of living that is called the digital age. This new reality is bringing about a new level of economy and moneymaking opportunities for children. To receive the money, you just need to be a good son or daughter of the late and find some creative ways to get the money. Here, you will find out how to operate this new economy and make money in 2022!

Make Money As A Kid In 2022

With so many ways to make money, your future sounds like it's quite bright. However, there are some things you should be aware of before starting a new business in the digital age. These things include the fact that you can be any type of business and child or not have to worry about becoming rich quickly. Additionally, you must be prepared to keep up with the changes in the industry and that means you must have a good sense of what you are doing.

Make Money With Parent's Help

If you want to make money as a kid, it's best to start with your parents. They might be willing to help you out with some chores or even give you an allowance. Start small, and then work your way up! It's not easy at first, but if you keep trying, eventually it will work out for the best.

Take Online Surveys And Make Over $100,000

The digital age is bringing about a new level of economy and moneymaking opportunities for children. With digital marketing, you can operate this new economy and make money in 2022! There are many ways to take online surveys and make over $100,000. The most important thing for children is to be able to read and understand the survey questions. With careful design of the survey, children can receive more money than just by playing the game.

Sell Your Photos

It’s no secret that children are becoming wise to the digital age. With the development of Instagram, a new way of living has become available to you. By selling your photos, you can provide your customers with a way to find and buy products or services using your income. Plus, if you have beautiful and relevant photos that capture your attention, you can generate leads that are more likely to buy what you offer.

Have A Lemonade Stand

Have A Lemonade Stand

A tried and true side hustle for all kids. Whether it is just nostalgia or if people like lemonade, this is a great business idea for kids. Adults will easily spend 2 or 3 dollars for a cup of lemonade just because you’re a kid! Make sure to pick your location carefully since it will affect the number of sales you can potentially earn. If you plan to set up your lemonade stand in a high-traffic area, ask your parents if you need a permit to sell your product.

Sell Used Items Online

Who doesn’t have some unwanted stuff lying around? Take a look through your closet and there’s a good chance you’ll find some clothes that don’t fit or toys that you’re not interested in anymore. Instead of wasting all of that valuable space in your home, why not sell that stuff online?

You can either do this by selling items on your own or with the help of your parents. Just be sure that when you are selling items to people, you're using a reliable shipping company and using reviews for credibility. Platforms like eBay are great for getting rid of used products. Just create a listing, set a price, and ship off your items once they’re sold. It’s as easy as that. Just make sure you get your parent’s permission beforehand!

Advertise Yard Services

Performing yard work is one of the oldest kid jobs around. Your parents probably spent their summers tidying up neighbourhood yards and mowing lawns. You can do the same. However, you have some extra tools to simplify the process a bit. Social media is a great place to advertise your services. All you have to do is join your local community group and let people know what you’re offering.


Like yard work, babysitting is a tried and true kid job. It’s a great option for 13-year-olds and above. You can advertise your services and rate them on social media. Or, you can sign up for one of the many babysitting websites. These websites do all of the advertising for you, making it easy for potential customers to find you.

Make Jewelry

One of the best ways to make money as a kid is to make jewelry. This can be done with your parents, siblings, or friends. You can make necklaces, bracelets, earrings, etc., and sell them for a profit. Platforms like Etsy are filled with handmade goods created by kids and teenagers. Custom woven jewelry and hand-sculpted beads are quite popular online. You can make some extra cash while feeding that creative itch.

Start A DogWalking Business

Of all the business ideas out there that can be done by kids, dog walking is one of the most fun! Dog owners are always looking for reliable walkers that can help their canine companions get some exercise. You can easily advertise your services online or sign up for one of many official dog walking sites.

Washing Windows

If you live in a neighbourhood with many houses, my suggestion is to wash windows for money. This can be done if you have cleaning supplies for it already. You would make $10-20 per house depending on how much work is needed.

Clean Houses

This is a significantly harder hustle than just washing windows and takes more energy. However, I have seen people make great money from cleaning entire houses. It’s not crazy to charge $50-100 an hour for the service!

Manage A Vending Machine

If your local supermarket needs help with a vending machine, you can offer them your services. You would have to be responsible for gathering all the empty bottles and recycling them. This is not as easy as it sounds but if you want to make some quick cash, you could take on the job.

Play In An Online Band

If you and your friends know how to play musical instruments, there is a decent chance that you could start a band and play music for people online. As long as you are willing to put in the time and effort, there is potential to make a decent profit from this since you’re just playing music for fun.

Instagram Marketing

Maybe you are a kid that doesn’t want to be in a video but you love taking photos. Instagram is used by some of the largest ad marketing agencies in the world to sell their product. If you have a larger following, you can begin selling their products to your followers.

Make Money As A Kid With Stream On Twitch

Since professional gaming is too time-consuming of a task for most people, there is an easier option for gamers to earn money through live streaming. Twitch is a platform that emerged to fill a niche where ordinary people can share their gaming experiences with others. Although it might be difficult to grow your audience when starting, I still recommend giving it a try since you might be the next great Twitch streamer.

Start A Podcast About A Popular Subject

This is one of the more promising money-making ideas for kids. You can start a podcast about anything you want from everyday school life and make some serious money from your efforts. I know that there are people who make thousands of dollars each month just from their podcast. If you have decent speaking skills, you could give it a try!

Organize A Garage Sale Online

Organize A Garage Sale Online

Making money by throwing a garage sale is easy. You can get your entire family involved to make some extra cash. If you have the room, you could even think about renting table space to neighbours who want to get rid of some stuff.

If you plan on giving this a shot, use the Internet to your advantage. Advertise your yard sale on social media, give potential shoppers some previews of what you’re offering, and let everyone know when you’ll be open.

Sell Digital Goods

If you’re like most kids, you’re pretty good with technology. So, why not use your knowledge to create digital products to sell. Beyond eBooks, you can sell custom logos, website themes, or digital tools. Some kids have seen success in creating skins for their favorite video games. Digital goods can be sold online. Plus, you don’t have to worry about inventory.

Make Music

Are you musically inclined? If so, consider putting up some of your work on platforms like SoundCloud or Spotify. Young artists can generate just as much attention as adults. You can get paid for your talents while building up an audience over time.

Sell Your Art

The beauty of the art world is that there’s no right or wrong way of doing things. Kids can be artists just like adults, so why not sell your latest masterpiece online? Etsy and eBay are the best places to make some income selling your work. However, you can also advertise on private marketplaces, social media, and more.

Enter Contests And Drawings

The Internet is no stranger to contests and drawings. Many contests offer cash or gift cards to winners of any age. Before you enter any contest, make sure to let your parents know first! They can take a look at it and see if it’s legitimate before you provide any personal information.

Enter The World Of Esports

Like streaming eSports lets you play games to earn money. eSports is relatively new and has only recently become mainstream. Even still, players are making big bucks competing in professional matches. The youngest professional eSports player to earn a million dollars was only 15 years old at the time!

To get into eSports, you’ll need to be very good at competitive titles. Then, you’ll need to join a league and enter competitions. From there, your income opportunities can come from prizes, sponsorships, and more.

Mow Lawns

Mow Lawns

Mowing lawns is an easy and classic way for a kid to earn some extra cash. I’m not talking about gardening. Just mowing lawns. Putting those lovely stripes on your neighbour's lawns will easily earn you $30 a time. Build up a reputation for being the best lawn mowing expert in the local area. Specializing in just one thing can reap you plenty of financial rewards.

General Yard Work – Weeds, Planting, Etc

Don’t just stop at mowing lawns. As a budding kid entrepreneur begin working on your upsell skills. Let the home know about those weeds in the backyard or how great their lawn would look with a fresh row of new flowers. Use the network from your lawn mowing business to cash in big time. Start handing out flyers and knocking on doors (with your parents) to get a lot of jobs and money.

Can Recycle

In some states, this is an EASY way for kids to make money. I am originally from NY and we would search for cans in all sorts of places. Baseball fields, along the streets, or just ask people if we could have them. Here is the reason why… Each can equal 5 cents! Those nickels add up.

Make A Successful YouTube Channel As A Kid

If you want to know how to make money as a kid but you prefer not to work outside, YouTube blogging will be a good opportunity for you. Many people are earning through making content on YouTube nowadays. How can you do that? There are several things can you can do. However, to make a successful YouTube channel as a kid, you will need to find some good ideas for it. With a successful YouTube channel, you can potentially make more than $3000 monthly.

Be A Tiktok Influencer

TikTok is all about creating short videos of yourself. The best way to increase the number of followers is to produce entertaining content that displays your talents or hobbies. If you love fashion or music, make videos about it. Show your personality and tell your story in the most unique way possible. Engaging with your audience is also important since people are more likely to share your videos if you interact with them. Once you get big enough, there are opportunities to present products in your videos for money.

Removing Stains From Clothes

If you’re down for cleaning then this seems like a great way to make money as a kid. Using a cloth and some washing-up liquid on an old toothbrush or nail brush, you can make around $10-$20 per stain. This could be done on your own or with a little help from your parents or family.

Give Swimming Lessons

If you have a swimming pool or the ocean nearby, you can offer swimming lessons to kids and adults. It may take a little time to get going but once you do, it could be a great way to make some cash from home. You don’t have to be an official swim instructor either!

Tutor On Academic Subjects

As a teenager, a simple way for you to make money is to tutor. You have access to a huge audience… your school. If you don’t feel comfortable tutoring someone your age, you can tutor someone in middle school or elementary school. As a kid, you can easily charge 20 dollars an hour or more!

School Newspaper

A great opportunity for kids to earn some extra cash is to form a newspaper. Many schools have a newspaper. This is also an amazing way of getting to know your fellow students! This can be a fun way for kids to connect and learn how they can start new friendships.

Grow And Sell Bouquets

If you like flowers, this could be a great way to make money as a kid. It might not sound like a lot but with just a little bit of prep work, you can have fresh-cut flowers ready for people to buy. You might do best if you stick with large bouquets rather than lots of little bunches of flowers. Plus, it doesn’t cost much to grow the flowers themselves so it’s kind of a low-risk way to make some money.

Rent Out Your Video Game Collection To Other Kids

Some people use video games as their way to earn money from home. You can rent out your video game to other kids or you can trade some of your games for a different one that you would like. This is only going to work with certain types of video games, but it might be enough of an opportunity for you.

Birthday Kid Parties – Clown, Magician, Singer, Entertainer

Being an entertainer is a side hustle for all ages. Whether you are a singer, magician, or just like making people laugh, you can turn all of those into profit by selling event packages for birthday parties or events.

If you are an outgoing teenager, then this method of making money is for you!!!

Being a clown or singer may not be for every teen but it is a fun way of earning an income!

Face Painting At Carnivals

Now, this may be limited to towns that have carnivals or fairs often. However, being a skilled face painter can be very profitable. As a teen, you may be able to set up your stand at events such as fairs, carnivals, or even sporting events!

Here are a few ideas of how young kids, about 5 to 10-years-old, can make extra money both at home and outside of the home:

Rake Leaves

Some families might consider raking leaves a family chore, but for others, it’s a task that can be outsourced. Young kids can help with this task and be paid for their effort. Depending on the yard size, parents might still need to get involved in completing the task.

Shovel Snow

Similar to raking leaves, shovelling snow might be considered a family chore in some households. If you hire a snowplow to clear your driveway, you could have your kids shovel the walkway or front steps for pay.


Neighbours may need assistance weeding their gardens in the early spring. No one enjoys weeding, and neighbours would certainly be grateful for the opportunity to pay a little price to have this work completed. Offer to weed people's lawns, flowerbeds, and gardens, as well as other weeds.

Play A Musical Instrument In A Public Space

Children who play musical instruments can do so in a public place while leaving their cases accessible for donations. Extra practice time is an added bonus. (Just make sure you're playing in a public area rather than on private property.)

Wash Cars

Wash Cars

Create your car wash. A lot of people just don’t have time to wash their cars. It’s time-consuming and messy, so many folks are looking to hire someone else to do the job. You can be that person with the right gear! Like babysitting and mowing, just advertise yourself on social media, go door to do (with an adult). If you want to make yourself stand out, invest in some cleaning tools and products. You can market yourself as a full-service car washer, which leads to higher rates.

Pet Sitting

Offer pet sitting services for families that need someone to look after their pet while they go on holiday. This can range from looking after pet mice, hamsters, cats, dogs, and even lizards. These services command day rates from $20 per day.


You don't have to be bankrupt just because you're young! When it comes to creating your own money, the Internet provides a plethora of options. Learning how to create money online can provide you with financial independence while also preparing you for maturity. Try out these strategies to find which one works best for you. You're sure to find something that's both entertaining and profitable.

I trust you enjoyed this article on How To Make Money As A Kid In 2022. Would you please stay tuned for more articles to come? Take care!




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