Best Travel Jobs Ever

Best Travel Jobs Ever

Best Travel Jobs Ever

Best Travel Jobs Ever

1. Digital Nomad Travel Jobs

This was my first step after leaving my corporate job in 2013. Being a “digital nomad” only entails using the technology available to you (surprise! the Internet!) to work remotely and generate an income whenever and wherever you want — similar to a nomadic existence. In reality, if you're resourceful enough, you can transform any current career into a digital nomad job!


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Consulting Or Mentoring

Suppose you are a professional or an expert in a certain industry (such as financial management, events management, real estate, relationships or dating [pick up artists and the like], etc.). In that case, you may sell your services online.

This is because most businesses (and even some individuals) need temporary assistance without needing to employ someone full-time. In addition to developing your own website to promote your skills, you may join up for sites such as where you can get passive revenue from pre-made courses.

Online Entrepreneurship

In my case, we do e-commerce retail or ‘private labelling' (different from drop shipping) on Amazon, but aside from this type of start-up (which you can also do on Etsy and Ebay), you can try selling digital products such as eBooks, games, and apps, or set up your own website and build a brand for your services (e.g. app development, website development, tour organization/trips, etc.). Certainly, it doesn't necessarily have to be anything ‘online'; you may still operate a company of a different kind. However, web-based firms often provide you more mobility.

Online Poker Player

Since 2008, a guy I know has been a professional online poker player, allowing him to travel to destinations such as the Maldives, Prague, and the United States. This, of course, takes skills such as bankroll management, math crunching, probability predictions, etc., so it may be a little challenging to begin.

But if this is something you want, the payoff is great after you master the game. I've attempted to learn it in the past but ultimately realized that it wasn't my thing. In addition, the plays here are fierce. If you're from the United States, online poker laws are a bit murky; therefore, you should visit If you're interested in studying the game, is a fantastic place to begin, and is one of the greatest online poker rooms for beginners.

Online Sports Betting

Online Sports Betting

It is just what it claims to be, and it may certainly assist support your work-and-travel lifestyle. Unfortunately, I don't know much about this and have never tried it, however, I have a few acquaintances who have had success with it (one is on basketball, and the other is on football). They did mention that there are many online resources available to assist you; if you're interested in sports, check out for a full introduction to online sports betting.

Trading (Arbitrage, Foreign Exchange / Forex, Stocks, etc.)

If you have a solid trading history, exploit it to the fullest (otherwise, it can be learned). There is the potential to earn a lot of money via this, but there is also the potential to lose a lot of money; thus, it is always advisable to know what you're doing. My buddy, for instance, liked it, and when he ultimately experimented with cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoins and other coins, he experienced enormous profits!


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Blogging & Vlogging

This is one of the finest travel jobs, and if you build a following, the potential earnings are fantastic. Companies and brands will compensate you for features and reviews, or provide you with a complimentary stay, travel, or dinner, among other perks. You may also use advertising and affiliate marketing options that can be quite lucrative.

As for ‘vlogging,' you may make a substantial income by becoming a YouTube partner. If you're like gaming, you can do comments or compilations (yeah, people can earn millions by filming themselves while playing a game – I know, it's insane, but visit to see what I'm talking about), or record yourself singing/dancing, or your adorable pet moments. Simply said, the options are almost limitless, and it's probable that one of your passions would create an ideal YouTube channel and audience.

2. Travel Jobs in Counseling, Teaching, Or Tutoring

Teaching English Abroad

Countries that do not speak English as their native tongue should be your first destination, particularly if you like teaching or have prior teaching experience (s). As well as a Bachelor's degree and English language proficiency, certain institutions and language centers just demand a Bachelor's degree and English language proficiency.

However, most of them would still need you to hold a TEFL (or TESOL/TESL) certification. As for money, it's good, and it improves if you teach private lessons or one-on-one as a freelancer (private teaching does not necessarily need a TEFL certificate), as opposed to exclusively teaching in language centers or schools. You may also pick between long-term and short-term employment. Where are the greatest locations to visit…?


Japan, China, Korea, and Thailand are the nations with the biggest demand for English instructors right now (with Japan, Taiwan, and Korea paying the highest). Simply do a Google search for this (the typical phrase is ‘ESL teacher'), and MANY resource websites for availability, applications, and more will appear. (You may begin by visiting


If you are from the United States or Europe, you do not need a visa to enter the high-paying Asian nations that I listed. However, if you are from the Philippines, you will likely need a visa to enter these countries. As an alternative to Thailand, which does not need a visa, you should go to South America, where many nations do not require a visa for most nationalities.

For instance, Brazil and Colombia are already South America's highest-paying nations for English instructors. If you ask me, this is such a remarkable event (especially because I have developed a certain hatred towards visa applications). Other than ESL Cafe, consider if you're interested in being a freelance English teacher in the region.

Online Instructor Or Mentor

This is also a sort of digital nomad job, and excellent starting points include,, and (read more). Notably, there are application procedures for this, and most websites demand years of expertise.

Summer Camp Director

If you like children, camping, and outdoor activities, working as a summer camp counselor may be a lot of fun! In addition to being compensated, you will also get free meals and lodging. Try,,, or to search for possibilities.


Another of the greatest travel jobs that also involves digital nomadism. Thus, if you're proficient in Chinese (as an example), there are a great number of people that want your services.

Au Pair Jobs

3. Au Pair Jobs

If you like interacting with children, an au pair position is ideal for you. In addition to being a nanny, you may also be asked to do minor housekeeping. I have not yet seen this, although it is quite prevalent in Europe, where the majority of au pairs are female. I even know numerous travel bloggers that do this in addition to their academics or freelance employment.

For this agreement, the family would provide lodging and food, and they would also compensate you. Other frequent au pair nations include the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.

Unfortunately, if you need anything short-term, this may not be the best option since most au pair contracts require a commitment of six months or more. Nevertheless, it is worth a try! In addition, the agencies that manage au pairs will assist you in obtaining a visa.


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4. Non-Paying Jobs (But With Free Housing And/Or Meals)


This was already mentioned in point number one, but it applies here as well: while some companies or brands pay you for a feature or review, others prefer NOT to pay because they consider the feature/review (of experiencing their establishment, tasting their food, or staying for free) to be their ‘payment' As a blogger, this no-payment agreement often pertains to novices; but, as you develop authority, you may surely begin charging for your services.

Couchsurfing Or Residence

Couchsurfing Or Residence

When looking for CouchSurfing hosts, I like! This is because each profile will have testimonials from other users. And you ask, “What is couchsurfing?” It refers to the act of allowing a friend or stranger to stay and sleep at your home for FREE, utilizing whatever space is available: the sofa, the floor, or if you're feeling very kind, a whole room.

As a couchsurfer, you will enjoy this benefit and also get the opportunity to meet new locals while seeing the country/city with a host who may act as your tour guide.

In a sense, this is also a “home stay” if you expressly look for families and not just people on; however, there are other sites online that specialize on family or house stays, like and And if I may add, you may try if you wish to locate another community like

Home Trade

Why not exchange your house/condo/apartment with a foreigner's dwelling if you're leaving yours behind? This implies that you will let a family or person to remain in your home for a certain number of days in return for a stay in theirs. The appropriate website is

Some site users seem to swap their children for cultural immersions, etc. Sounds rather hazardous to me, but I suppose if the references and testimonials for the host are positive, you will already feel secure. In addition, you would know their whole address, identity, and particulars.

Hostel Work

Hostel Work

Most hostels will let you stay for free if you do some “light labor” for them (such as cleaning, running errands, etc.). Therefore, the next time you want to get a hostel room, you should inquire beforehand by email whether they are receptive to this kind of arrangement. Alternatively, you may visit or

Some hostels may engage you legally and pay you in cash, but to do so, you will need a valid work permit; if you do not have one, DO NOT accept cash for work. Informal agreements, such as working for food and a bed, are separate things. It varies depending on the nation you are visiting, but generally, it is a gray area.

Technically, you still need a work visa; however, no government agency will worry that much if you managed to remain free by working for a hostel or hotel. However, some companies and tourists continue to engage in paid labor without a work visa. This is a common practice, and you may also engage in it, although doing so is very perilous.


There are volunteer possibilities with the majority of well-known charitable organizations (e.g., WWF, etc.). However, registration costs are sometimes prohibitive (which will defeat the purpose of trying to gain financial freedom). There are also positions, such as volunteering for the Olympics, for which you get neither housing nor payment; simply the experience, which is intriguing but not ideal if you are on a budget and want to continue living well.

Therefore, you should seek volunteer opportunities (work exchange) that do not need payment but give compensation for your time. Typically, these occupations are available in hotels, restaurants, pubs, fruit fields, etc., and they will provide you with free lodging or food in exchange for your assistance. Try exploring these opportunities:,,,, and

House Sitter / Pet Sitter

It's exactly as you imagine: you get to stay and have the whole home to yourself for FREE (often taking care of the pets as well) while the family is on vacation. TrustedHouseSitters is now the most popular website, followed by Visit if you're searching for a longer-term position.


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5. Traditional Travel Occupations

These well-known traditional travel occupations or vocations will allow you to explore more of the globe, although some still need a substantial time commitment (fixed). The purpose of this post is to provide career suggestions that not only enable you to travel but also provide you control over your time and workload.

Artist (Art, Crafts, Fashion, Makeup, Designer, Music, etc.)

As an artist, your success is contingent upon your abilities and reputation. Some bloggers collaborate with businesses in the nation they are visiting in return for compensation or lodging. Combining a physical presence with an internet presence increases business potential.

As I said before, YouTube is home to several performers. You may find online instructions for hair or cosmetics, painting or sketching, time-lapse films, and more. Aside from this, if you're a musician, you can work in bars or hotels; if you're more of a craftsperson, you can sell your work abroad – the possibilities are unlimited!

Busking (Street Performer)

This is, in my view, the most fundamental thing you can do when driving. You may perform in public for money or even for food/drinks by singing, dancing, creating street art, etc.

Biologist / Geologist

If you have a degree in this field, you will probably travel the world since you may be stationed in Hawaii or other distant locations – which would be an experience!

Film, Artistic Or Camera Crew/Director/Etc.

Back in 2012, I met numerous individuals overseas who worked for the Survivor U.S. camera team, and they naturally told me a plethora of bizarre tales from their journeys to distant locations (it's Survivor, after all). Therefore, this is one of your greatest travel jobs, particularly if you work in the entertainment or creative industries.

Moreover, with the advent of independent (indie) films, you may even become a renowned filmmaker. However, it is crucial to note that this kind of employment often involves long hours.


The reality is that there are several ways to work while travelling the globe, but many remote opportunities demand prior qualifications, a substantial time commitment, or experience. If it were simple, everyone would do it. Dream occupations sometimes take years to materialize and need unfathomable labour and sacrifice, which the typical person cannot comprehend until they undergo the same road themselves.

I trust you enjoyed this article about the Best Travel Jobs Ever. Would you please stay tuned for more articles to come? Take care!




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