Best Shareable Social Media Content To Create

Best Shareable Social Media Content To Create

Best Shareable Social Media Content To Create

Best Shareable Social Media Content To Create

Content is at the heart of every social strategy. It’s how brands make their first and lasting impressions on social. It’s the essential ingredient for how brands communicate and connect with new and loyal customers.

In this article, we’ll walk through the most valuable types of social media content identified by marketers and how you can use social analytics to determine the best shareable social media content for your business.

What Kinds Of Content Should You Post?

While you’ll want to experiment with various kinds of content, it is essential that you only post content that generates positive engagement. To understand how to create these types of content, you must first understand the three key pillars of content marketing. What is content marketing?

In simple terms, content marketing is the process of creating content to reach a specific audience. Unlike social media influencer marketing, content marketing focuses on a specific topic, product, or strategy.

It typically involves some kind of promotional material or value prop that leads to a discussion with potential customers. This content should drive sales for your business and it needs to convey your brand values, communicate your products or services to your audience, and sell.

To reach your target audience on social, you’ll need to post different types of content. A large percentage of brands post informational content. That is content that teaches inspires, and informs.


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Communication should always be a two-way street, and you should always be in a dialogue with your audience. As a result, the content you create needs to provide answers to important questions your audience might have.

Having a clear point of view on a topic will help you craft content that your audience will find engaging and relevant.

If your social audience is uninterested in your website, then the content you post will be irrelevant. Likewise, your content might not resonate if your audience is looking for something entirely different.

Why Social Media Content Is Essential

Social media content is essential to Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. It's also a necessity for Snapchat, Instagram and Facebook Messenger. With this social media content needs checklist, you'll get a clear vision of why you need to create social media content for your social media platforms.

Reasons Why Social Media Content Is Essential

Take a look at these reasons: Most social media pages are watched not just by your fans, but by anyone who happens to be on the social media page. The better a social media post is liked, the more likely people are to click on it.

And the more likely people are to click on it, the more likely they are to take action on it. And the more likely they are to take action on it, the more likely they are to come back to your social media page… and the more likely you are to receive likes and comments on your posts.

Social media is extremely public. And posts that your audience likes, shares, or comments on have the highest chance of being seen by your audience. If you want to catch your audience's attention, you need to ensure that your content is getting social media sharing love!

The Three Types Of Content You Can Create

The Three Types Of Content You Can Create

Blog Posts How-to Guides Videos E-Books Infographics Demos How-to Videos… these are just a few examples of the best types of social media content, but I would recommend you dig deeper into the specifics of each one to really understand their importance. For example, creating infographics often outperforms blog posts on social media as far as engagement and retweets.

Below is a list of some popular types of social media content to make you creative and get your content in front of your audience! You should have your social media team post an offer of the day on your brand’s page. and have your social media team launch the product as soon as it is available.

Share an offer at the end of the offer, and have your social media team update your social channels with links to the offer. This will be great if you are launching something like a new fitness app or app, as you can link to the official app page from the landing page.

Social content types are divided into three main categories: shareable, informational and performative.


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1. Shareable Content

Shareable content is any type of content that generates conversation and engagement with the content itself and those interacting with it. Think videos, articles and photo collages. Shareable content is content that you can expect to share with your audience.

2. Informational Content

Informational content is content that is used to educate the audience and help them solve a problem. Think infographics, discussions and lists. Informational content is content that’s designed to solve a specific problem for your audience.

3. Social Performative Content

Social performative content is content that’s designed to inspire people to interact with it and with your brand. Think flashmobs and social experiments.

How To Use Social Analytics To Determine The Best Type Of Content

How To Use Social Analytics To Determine The Best Type Of Content

There are a few ways to determine the best type of content to share on social media, depending on the type of company you run. First, social analytics can tell you how to target your marketing content.

You can easily find the biggest trends in who views your content, what percentage of people click your call to action ads, and what percentage of people making a purchase. These are all important pieces to creating the best content for your brand.

Next, you can find the most engaging content. A high bounce rate isn’t a good sign. By understanding where your customers are dropping out, you can figure out how to make your brand more relatable. You can also use social analytics to identify what kind of social media content will be the most popular.

But what is social analytics? It’s the holistic view of your social media marketing. It includes everything from the main social media platforms, as well as your industry’s biggest networks (for example, B2B content, news, and company insights. It also includes your email marketing channels.

Social analytics is the study of all your social interactions. It provides you with a look at your customers’ behaviour, what’s working, what isn’t, and most importantly, how you can improve your social presence.

What Is The Best Shareable Social Media Content?

Need a stronger content strategy on social? Neglecting your social media content gives competitors a chance… to suck up YOUR engagement! Here's the reality: You NEED to be posting engagement-provoking types of social media content. Because if YOU don't give your audience what they want — your competition will.

This list is based on real-time data from marketers, as well as an analysis of the more popular social channels, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.

Social media users are extremely sensitive to content, and the content they see, regardless of what it is, influences their decision-making process. Brands must make sure their content is strategic and well-crafted if it wants to succeed. This type of content comes in a variety of shapes and sizes.

By reading the next couple of paragraphs, you'll definitely come away from this guide with a better understanding of social media content, and with more practice and ideas for using social media to create engagement. Bonus: I'll also take a look at social media marketing best practices.

Social Media is one of the most impactful marketing tools out there. But it's tough to know what works. You need to constantly experiment and learn… That's why we're sharing this guide with you. It's the most comprehensive guide to social media content creation you'll ever find. Whether you're new to social media or an old pro…

The following are the most valuable types of social media content:

Video Content

Video content on social media is one of the most powerful tools in the marketing arsenal. Videos have a huge impact on brand engagement, sentiment and ROI on social media. The fact that video is such a powerful marketing tool can be hard to believe when you’re just getting started. And if you’re like many social marketers, you’re probably unsure of the best approach or tools to use.



Blogging, or a series of short and engaging posts, is the classic social media content option. Popular blogging platforms such as WordPress and Tumblr provide a broad range of templates to create compelling content with ease. Content is in some ways harder than blogging.

You need to be sure you get the experience right, so it’s better to do this on a fixed schedule than develop content at the spur of the moment. A digital survey (on a website with paid registration or app) the survey, also known as an analytics survey, captures the actions of your users and lays out the insights from their interaction with your digital marketing campaigns. You can use digital surveys while blogging.


Infographics are great for connecting with a broad range of audiences, such as marketers, advertisers, and business owners. If you’ve ever been stumped for a marketing campaign idea or want to show a specific piece of data to a wider audience, it’s time to get creative and show your audience how to make the perfect bean dip.

Visuals are social content’s most powerful tool. They’re fun and engaging, but also able to educate and connect. They provide a quick and visual way for consumers to understand your business. Social media users love watching stunning visuals like infographics on other social networks.

Facebook Updates

Videos, Images, Hashtags and Facebook Live Videos help you encourage the audience. You should post about certain topics (the ones on trending) because Facebook users are mostly interested in this type of topic.

Instagram Posts

Instagram posts are great for getting your creative juices flowing. Over on the explore page, you’ll find all the hashtags that people are using the most. You can also discover new trends that may lead you to an idea. If you’re using Instagram Stories, you can also see the top 10 photos that have been shared in a story. Plus, if you’re friends with someone, you can even see their stories. You can just swipe right to reveal all of their stories.

When doing a search, Instagram searches you on topics that are popular. This can help you come up with ideas for future content. Don’t forget to post some live stories!

Twitter Tweets

Twitter Tweets

These are short, tweet-length posts. The content is often witty or provocative and engages your audience. Your goal is to build your following, gain a following, and grow your reach on Twitter. You should post a few tweets per day to get things started. Most of your posts will be fewer than 140 characters.

YouTube Videos

Video is quickly becoming the new normal for the masses. The key is to create original and engaging content. Use the latest in video editing technology to present your content. You’ll want to develop some sort of a video persona on YouTube, too. Depending on how many subscribers you’ve got, you can post up to ten videos per week.

This is one of the most popular types of content that you can post to social media. YouTube videos are some of the most shareable, so getting into the ‘video’ market should be a top priority. If you’re looking to market your physical products, you can create a short video showcasing the product. It doesn’t have to be a great video to still be worth sharing, though. Be sure to highlight the best parts of your business and the product in a light-hearted and fun way.

Audio Content is becoming increasingly popular. People like to hear other people speak, especially if they’re not familiar with the person or product. If you’re not sure about making your videos into audio, you can skip this step and just add captions to them.

LinkedIn Posts

Top professionals share their knowledge on LinkedIn in a way that you can learn from without feeling like you’re begging. This article shares posts that can help your brand be effective on social media, and this post shows how to get more conversions from LinkedIn. Plus, the post includes essential questions that will guide you along the way. And always keep in mind that if your LinkedIn is updated frequently, it’ll help you reach new people every day.

Pinterest Images

This is usually seen on any of the biggest and influential brands. These images should be striking, original and boost up their social engagement.

Find inspiration using Pinterest. Pin some images from around the web that have the message you want to share. You can choose to pin or save the images so you can reuse them in future posts. Pinterest can help you with your blog content by giving you inspiration for writing content, including text, graphics, images, video and more.

You can spruce up the images in Photoshop and use text that’s synced with your social media message. Keep it simple and just update the colours, font and size to match your needs.

And finally, if you have a post idea in mind, write it up on Facebook. Make a new post for it and add the images you’ve found.

These images on social media are known to drive traffic to the brand’s Pinterest page. Be it a tip or an exclusive promotion, if the image is share-worthy and has a captivating caption it will perform well on social media.

3D Images

This visual format is almost in style these days. It stands for transforming a normal 2D image into a 3D.

Strategic Images

These images are ideal for business branding or creating a mood for brand management. The person in the image must have a prominent role in the content.

Snapchat Filters

Snapchat Filters

Snapchat users love experimenting with filters to turn their snaps into special magical moments. Try turning your lens into a candy filter or a fuzzy filter or go more creative with an over-the-top animated filter.

Post a Snapchat Story. Snapchat is different than Instagram in that you can post stories to specific social media channels. Your posts for stories can be shot with Snapchat or Instagram. Or you can snap photos and videos with your phone and then place them into a story. You can add comments, emojis, and more to the story. You can also send a link to your story to your followers.

Quotes Or Gifs

Whether you use a gif or just a quote to get your point across, this is one of the easiest types of social media content. To keep your audience engaged, share your travel photos in this post-friendly format. Go to a place. Share the picture. Reply with the top things you loved about the place and why. Don’t forget to tag the location.

You can use this post-friendly format to discuss the events happening in your community. Message your followers in an unbiased way.


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What Is The Best Type Of Content For Your Business?

While you want your content to be engaging, it’s important that you use different types of content to stand out from the crowd. Social media marketing agencies like Social Media Examiner have identified the most popular content types that marketers are posting.

These types of content tend to be focused on one particular task or project your brand is undertaking. You might be able to think of some of these types of content on your own, but you’ll need to consider your specific audience and industry before you create each one. Let’s take a look at other types of content we have not covered above:

Branding Content

Product or service launch content and many more. These are NOT the generic tweets and Facebook posts. You need to be different — and that requires strategic, differentiated social media content creation. If you're feeling underprepared, check out this guide to create effective social media content. A study from 2020 states that Twitter users average 260 tweets per day, while Facebook users average 180 per day. That's 12 times more.

Industry-Specific Content

This is the content that is very useful for SEO but why social media content is required for your SEO strategy? Because SEO is as important as a social network for your brand and can bring you a significant amount of traffic. Having the right content in the right place at the right time is essential to maximizing the ROI of your social media efforts.

Customer Service Content

Encouraging photos of employees, how to set up your Facebook newsfeed … and more! All this content can help you increase traffic, engagement, and lead generation. Can you give yourself the best chance at success on social media with this customer service-based content?

According to the last survey, it’s found 46% of Americans had been active on social media. That's nearly 50% of the U.S. population. That's enormous growth in such a short period of time. By knowing that, we know the importance of customer service contains more than before.

Educational Content

Educational Content

Classroom-style instructional style, Drawing examples to use your content, Articles about how-to Exhibits/infographics Public service announcements, Social sharing checklist, Inspirational quotes, etc. these are just some types of educational content that you can consider to grow your business in 2021.


You've made it this far… you're invested. But that doesn't mean that you're done. You need to take your content creation to the next level by sharing it with your audience. Is your current social media strategy enough? Do you have a strong strategy for sharing your content with your audience? If not, you're missing out on an opportunity to grow your social media reach.

Social media is a dynamic and complex marketing channel. Therefore, the content you create needs to reflect these changes, build upon them and evolve to ensure a consistent message across platforms.

Developing an online presence has never been easier or more effective. In fact, by carefully structuring your content, understanding how social engagement, targeting and analytics will help you reach your goals, you can harness the benefits of social marketing and start reaching your audience today.

Our tips will provide you with the creative inspiration you need to create brilliant posts that generate an online buzz. How are you creating content for your business?

I trust you enjoyed this article about the Best Shareable Social Media To Create. Would you please stay tuned for more articles to come? Take care!



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