Most Common Blogging Mistakes You Should Fix

Most Common Blogging Mistakes You Should Fix

Most Common Blogging Mistakes You Should Fix

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Most Common Blogging Mistakes You Should Fix

Because they are unaware that blogging is a business that demands work, time, and attention, new bloggers often fail. Some bloggers fail because they don't undertake audience research, don't write appropriate material for their audience, blog seldom, don't follow SEO best practices, or don't market their content.

Anyone can create a blog, but many people never devote the time necessary for it to be an effective component of a company.


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A hobby blog is one thing, but if you want your blog to develop or be profitable, you need to concentrate on a few other areas. Specifically, you must decide on the blog's purpose, understand your target audience and what motivates them, create an accessible blog site, and choose a writing style that appeals to them.

Concerned you could be missing any of these components? It's OK! We're here to support you in making your blog successful. Let's look at some frequent blogging errors and the fixes that can assist your site rise in the search results.

Most of a blog's traffic is generated naturally, meaning that users will click on your site if it corresponds to the subject they were looking for while using a search engine. But because many businesses are vying for your audience's attention, it's critical to avoid typical blog blunders to stand out.

Following are the most frequent blog post errors (along with their fixes), as reported by HubSpot bloggers.

1. Write Blog Entries That Advance Your Company's Strategic Objectives

Mistake: You Conceive About Concepts That Are Solely Interesting To You

Even though you may read and reread your blog entries after you publish them, remember that you are not the only reader or the audience you had in mind. Ideas will come to you when you start writing – in the shower, running, or even talking to your mother on the phone.

Thoughts should never be random, even if they may appear at unexpected times. It doesn't always follow that something is a good idea for your firm just because it's a nice concept in general or something that interests you personally.

Solution: Match Your Blog Postings To Corporate Expansion Objectives

You write to address issues for your readers and, eventually, to expand your brand. All of your blog article suggestions should thus support these expansionary objectives. They should naturally relate to problems in your sector and answer certain queries and worries your prospects may have.

Do you need assistance identifying these objectives and determining how to proceed? Talk with your boss about the overall business objectives, and then arrange a meeting with a sales staff member to find out what inquiries they often get. You need to be aware of the objectives you must accomplish and have some suggestions on how to do so after the two meetings.

2. Discover What Your Audience Finds Compelling

Mistake: You Make The Error Of Forgetting Your Persona

Your blog material must connect with your audience and inspire action if you want it to perform successfully (i.e., drive traffic, leads, and sales). One of the greatest errors is believing your content will perform when you haven't given your audience or the actions you want them to do any real thought.

Solution: Recognize And Address Your Persona's Pain Spots

You can close the gap with your content by identifying your buyer persona and the issues that are important to them. If you're merely producing material for the sake of producing content, which is a waste of resources, you're not actively considering your character's suffering.

Write As You Would Speak

3. Write As You Would Speak

Mistake: Your Writing Is Too Formal

A term paper is quite different from writing a blog article. However, when new bloggers begin, they often only know the latter. The issue? People do not like reading term paper writing since it is not their preferred style. Let's face it: Most visitors to your article won't read it from beginning to end. Writing in an easy-to-read manner will persuade readers to continue reading if you want to keep them engaged.

Solution: Create Personal Blogs As A Solution

Being more conversational in your writing is OK; we encourage it. More individuals will appreciate reading your work, the more accessible it is. Humans prefer conducting business with actual people rather than machines. So, write more freely. Include contractions. Eliminate the jargon. Make a few puns. It is how real people converse, which is also what they like reading.


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4. Display Individuality Rather Than Telling It

Mistake: You Believe That Others Are Interested In You As A Writer

Although that may seem harsh, it is true: When individuals first begin blogging, they mistakenly believe their readers would be innately interested in their tales and passions. However, this is not the case. No offence is intended against them; it's simply that when you're brand-new, nobody cares about you or your experiences. People are far more interested in the lessons you can provide.

Solution: Add Individuality Without Overpowering The Subject

Even when readers don't care that you wrote the article, you may still make them feel more at ease by incorporating elements of your personality into your writing. It's absolutely up to you how you handle it. Others like making jokes, some enjoy referencing popular culture, and some have a talent for giving detailed explanations.

Find methods to connect with your readers on the subject you're writing about, then write in the first person as if you were speaking with them to add personality to your writing. As in a face-to-face discussion, be personable, accessible, and engaging in your tone.

5. Reiterate Your Main Idea

Mistake: You Stray

Don't misuse the opportunity to express yourself in your writing, even when it is encouraged. Being authentic while discussing a subject is one thing, but bringing up too many personal anecdotes can distract from the point you're trying to convey.

You can't be certain that your readers have your whole attention because they aren't sitting in front of you, so try to refrain from rambling on too long with these personal experiences and analogies. If people run out of patience, they can (and will) leave your article.

Solution: Reiterate Your Position

Reiterate your main points at the end of each paragraph to keep the reader's attention. The best blog articles commit to the main idea and then progressively convey it, expressing it often in little ways from beginning to end.

For instance, don't spend three paragraphs explaining how you returned from a two-week trip to a dead fern if you're writing about how much water a potted plant requires.

What is your point, given that this narrative provides solid support for it? Some plants can't survive for longer than 14 days without water. That is one potential argument, and it has to be made clear right away.

Start With A Working Title That Is Precise

6. Start With A Working Title That Is Precise

Mistake: Your Subjects Are Too General

When individuals first start blogs, they often wish to write about incredibly broad subjects, like:

  • “How to Market on Social Media”
  • “Best Practices for Business”
  • “How to Earn a Living Online”

These kinds of subjects are just too general. It's quite challenging to respond thoughtfully to these questions since they have so many specifics and nuanced aspects.

Additionally, more focused themes often draw smaller, more focused audiences who are better quality and more likely to become leads and customers. To maximize both the short- and long-term advantages of blogging, you must become far more specialized.

Solution: Start With A Simple, Direct Concept

Getting your blog subjects down pat is essential if you want to succeed with your first few entries. With the aid of our blog ideas generator, let's brainstorm together. When you input some fundamental keywords, you know you want to cover, this tool generates five potential blog names that are appropriate for business blogs.

Remember that a working title is merely a certain viewpoint you might utilize to keep your writing on track; it's not the ultimate title. It's a lot simpler to compose your blog content after you master this brainstorming phase.

7. Particular Postings Must Nonetheless Relate To The Overall Scheme

Mistake: You Fail To Connect A Certain Subject To Your Reader's Larger Issue

You are well aware of how crucial it is to connect with and comprehend the pain points of your consumer persona. However, there is a cause for their discomfort and what motivates them to find a solution.

Solution: Recognize The Difficulties And Repercussions They Are Experiencing

You need to be pondering:

  • What's at risk?
  • What do they stand to gain by acting?
  • What will take place if they don't act?

All of these elements may appear in the blog post material you create. Doing this will show the reader that you have empathy for their situation and want to be of assistance. Consider the situation when you write an article on “first vs. third-party APIs.”

Although the subject is dull and does not lend itself to much originality, the overall benefit is enormous: to assist your readers in determining whether they should spend a fortune on an internal API or if they might save money and time by hiring a third party to create their API. In essence, the debate of “first vs. third party APIs” touches on issues of computer security, productivity, and financial limits, all of which might have significant implications for your reader.

8. Make An Outline, Utilize Headers, And Use A Specific Post Type

Mistake: Your Writing Reads Like A Brain Dump

It may be tempting to simply sit down and allow a fantastic idea I'm enthusiastic about to pour out of me. But what I often get is a poor blog entry. Why? Writing in the “stream of consciousness” isn't an appropriate writing style for blog postings. Your blog postings need to be very well arranged since most readers will just skim them.

Solution: Use A Template, An Outline, And Section Headings To Organize Your Blog

Selecting the sort of blog post, you will create should be your first step. Is it a how-to article? A post with lists? A post with hand-picked selections? A presentation on SlideShare? A detailed outline is quite helpful.

The rest becomes simple if you take the effort up front to arrange your ideas and make a logical flow for your article; you're essentially simply filling in the gaps. For the reader's experience, header use is equally essential.

To develop a blog post outline, list the main points you want your readers to take away from it. Then, divide those critical points into more substantial section headings.

Your blog article will be simpler to read and more engaging if you include a section header every few paragraphs. (Also, including keywords in header content is beneficial for SEO.) All you'll need to do is complete those areas once you start writing.

Provide Your Audience With Something They Can Take Away

9. Provide Your Audience With Something They Can Take Away

Mistake: You're Making The Error Of Depending On Hazy Ideas Rather Than Specific Knowledge

One of the first steps in your blog research will be to find out what other publications are saying about a specific subject. If you pay attention, virtually all articles on the first page of Google results discuss abstract, nebulous concepts. What makes your blog unique? You may provide your audience with specific, doable actions so they can succeed.

Solution: Include Concrete Recommendations For Your Audience To Take As A Solution

One of the essential principles of content development is that it should be helpful, which implies that your audience should get something as a result. This might be a “how-to” where you propose people follow a specific method, or it could just be a recommendation for a tool or technique to speed up a procedure.


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10. Support The Assertions You Make In Your Postings With Facts And Research

Mistake: You Fail To Cite Statistics As Support

Imagine that I'm writing a blog article on the benefits of utilizing Instagram for company marketing. Which do you think is more persuasive when I make that case? “It seems that more individuals now use Instagram.”

“The number of Instagram users is expanding far more quickly than the overall use of social networks. Instagram's growth in the US will be 15.1% this year, compared to the sector's overall growth of only 3.1%.

The second, naturally. Arguments and statements become considerably more powerful when supported by facts and research. As marketers, we must persuade individuals to take action rather than merely persuade them to support our position on a particular subject. People are more interested in data-driven material than they are in frivolous arguments.

Solution: Backup Your Claims With Facts

Any successful tale should start with a significant point, build supporting evidence, and conclude with a lesson the audience can apply. In blog articles, you may use data as evidence for your primary point or introduce it and explain why it's important to your viewers.

Among the top locations to look for convincing data are:

  • Research Institute Pew
  • MarketingSherpa
  • The State of Inbound report from HubSpot

11. Give Instances To Support Your Arguments For Why Your Points Are Crucial

Mistake: You Aren't Providing Enough Context

When Meg Prater initially joined the HubSpot Blog team, she often received the edit that she wasn't providing enough evidence to back up her claims. Meg Prater is the managing editor of the HubSpot blogs.

For instance, I may write, “SMBs should broaden their social media strategy to experiment with novel, less expensive channels” (see what I did there?). That may be the case, but it's a relatively broad statement.

Solution: Provide Examples, Visuals, And Other Information To Support Your Points

It's crucial to provide specifics to support your points. Meg explains, “A better approach to communicate this to an audience may be to say, ‘SMBs should broaden their social media strategy to test out other, less expensive platforms.

For instance, you might experiment with advertising on Quora's question-and-answer website or just respond to inquiries about your sector with your solution.

We develop expertise in our sector as bloggers. Because of this, it's simple to overlook clarity while offering guidance, outlining instances, or describing a typical procedure. Even HubSpot's Senior Marketing Manager of Audience Growth, Pamela Bump, acknowledges that she has made the mistake of not delving into enough detail in a first draft.

Examine your writing by asking yourself, “Will readers understand this huge word? “Will they understand this acronym?” or “Can they readily envision this example, or do I need to include a visual aid?” From there, you may decide whether the extra explanation is necessary or create links to related blog entries for any terminology that could be unclear.

12. Give Credit To Those Whose Ideas You've Borrowed

Mistake: Your Writing Seems To Be Plagiarized

Plagiarism didn't fly in the classroom, and it won't work on the blog for your business. But for some reason, many newbie bloggers believe they can get away with using the tried-and-true copy-and-paste method. Not at all. Usually, editors and readers can identify when something has been plagiarized.

You suddenly don't sound like yourself, or maybe some words you use aren't correctly spelled. It just sounds strange. Additionally, if you are discovered plagiarizing material, Google may penalize your website, which would severely setback the organic development of your corporate blog.

Solution: Give Credit Where Credit Is Due As A Solution

Spend a few minutes learning how to credit other people's work in your blog postings appropriately. It's not very difficult, but learning it when you first begin is crucial.

13. Spend Thirty Minutes Editing Your Content

Mistake: Once The Writing Is Finished, You Believe You Are Done

The majority of individuals make the error of writing without editing. It must be wonderful to read since it seemed so effortless in their heads when writing, right? No, it still has to be edited. Perhaps a lot of it.

Solution: You Won't Ever Regret Taking The Time To Proofread

Even the most accomplished authors need to edit their work. Our first drafts often lack quality. Take the time necessary to polish your post, then. Correct typos, run-on phrases, and unintentional it’s/its errors.

Make sure the flow of your tale matches that of your outline. Verify our checklist for editing and proofreading a blog article to help you remember all the minor details to check before posting.


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14. Just Post It At Some Time

Mistake: You Attempt To Make Each Post Flawless

I'm sorry, but your blog article will never be flawless. Ever. There are always more improvements you can make to your postings.

  • More pictures
  • Correct wording
  • Whittier uses humour.

The most talented authors I know when to quit worrying and just press “publish.”

Solution: Better To Publish And Update Than To Wait For Absolute Perfection

Gains from getting closer to “perfect ” start dropping beyond a certain point, and you'll never achieve it. Therefore, even if you don't want to publish a piece with factual errors and grammatical mistakes, it's okay if a mistake sneaks through.

It most likely won't impact the number of views and leads it generates. Additionally, you must amend the article if you (or your readers) discover the error. No big deal. Perfect is the enemy of doneness, so allow yourself a break now and again.


Blogging has more than just typing text into a computer and pressing the publish button. If, after reading this list, you are thinking, “Well, this is uncomfortable,” don't worry. Every single one of these errors was me. Remember that I called these errors “common” for a reason. The more you blog, the more proficient you'll get at it and profit from more visitors and leads.

Setting yourself up for success is always a key component of blogging as a company, as is recognizing and comprehending your audience and the kind of material they like. Your company can only grow to greater success if you use good language and an ordered title, keep true to your brand and connect with your target audience.

I trust you enjoyed this article about the Most Common Blogging Mistakes You Should Fix. Would you please stay tuned for more articles to come? Take care!




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